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Essential Youtube Gamers: Part 1

If you’re anything like me, you, regrettably, spend most of your time on reddit or youtube, reading or watching game-related things as opposed to actually playing the thousand games you already own. Come on, the Steam sale just finished. How many games are in your collection now? And how many of those have you played for a decent amount of time?

Luckily, I understand this annoying hoarding habit, and understand that sometimes you just need a break from constantly contemplating which games you want to play, constantly fearful of neglecting something awesome in the process.

I’m not here to condemn you for this; in fact, I’m here to help you celebrate your slothfulness. Here’s a few charming young chaps who will do all the work for you, so you have plenty of Dorito-scoffing time.


My own personal Starcraft 2 saviour.

If it weren’t for the one and only Mr. Sean Plott aka. Day9, I would still be in bronze league and filled with much more self-loathing and depression than I already am. Day9 offers great Starcraft 2 analysis and has done so for years now, daily! This man has a ridiculous and admirable dedication to his job, spreading the love of competitive Starcraft to the masses.

Whether you’re looking for high-level analysis or simply just a bit of fun, Day9 has you covered. Each day of the week is dedicated to a unique take on the game. Monday’s are ‘Funday Monday’, wherein competitive analysis is put on hold for the sake of having some fun, with Day9 sharing user-submitted replays with a specific theme throughout, focusing not on winning, but purely on fun.

If you’re new to Starcraft 2, that’s no problem. Just tune in on a Tuesday for ‘Newbie Tuesday’. If you’re already a  devout follower of the eSports scene, tune in on Wednesday for ‘Friendday Wednesday’ where Day9 has special guests from the eSports scene come on the show.

Day9 really does it all. He is incredibly smart, WILL help you with your play, and as long as you’re not a completely stone-cold, cynical person, will provide you with a great amounts of laughs in the process.

Whether you’re a Starcraft veteran or a complete and utter noob, there’s really no other better resource than Day9.

[youtube id=”ZS_12p4bJVI” width=”600″ height=”350″]


The funniest gamer. Period.

When I first discovered JonTron, I watched pretty much all of his videos in one sitting, and still wanted more. JonTron plays through the best and the worst games, giving his hilarious opinion on each and every part of that game.  Sounds like your standard video reviewer affair, right? Angry Video Game Nerd did it first yadda yadda…

The point of difference with Jontron is that he seems to have this incredible ability to instil his own unique, unadulterated sense of humour into his videos, and not miss a beat. It’s really hard to put my finger on exactly what the man is doing right, but if I had to take a stab at it, I’d say this:

Jontron doesn’t worry about what you may or may not find funny. That’s not to say that he doesn’t love, and work incredibly hard for, his fans, because he most certainly does. However, he is 100% genuine in what he does, and whatever he thinks is funny, he’ll include in the video. It just so happens that his sense of humour is practically infallible. He is a true comedian with a terrific sense of comedic timing.

Jontron has me laughing out loud throughout each of his videos, whilst still maintaining a professional air, managing somehow to seamlessly incorporate intelligent game theory and analysis as well. Oh yeah! And he has a cute bird. So, that’s a plus…

[youtube id=”AzGAgh076r0″ width=”600″ height=”350″]

What separates these two humble men from the rest of the pack is their undying devotion and genuinity. They’re real gamers, providing quality content FOR gamers like you and I. I know when I watch their videos, I’m proud to be a gamer, and hopefully you’ll share the collective gamer love they share.

I have grown up always with a controller of some sort in my hands, glued to the monitor, happily addicted to each and every game I could get my hands on. Discovering my passion for writing, I decided to dedicate myself to sharing my love for gaming with anyone and everyone.