5 Most Common Misconceptions About Personal Injury Lawsuits

Accidents and injuries can occur under many conditions and for various causes. Victims can recover their financial losses caused by another party’s negligence by filing personal injury lawsuits. However, several myths and misconceptions exist regarding personal injury claims and attorneys. Due to their misunderstandings of personal injury claims and how they operate, victims may feel overwhelmed and delay filing a lawsuit.  It is important to hire a personal injury lawyer to receive the compensation you deserve if you have been involved in an accident. If you are a resident of Chicago, you can contact Chicagoland personal injury attorneys for your lawsuit.

What Are Personal Injury Lawsuits:

Personal injury law safeguards people from harm brought on by the negligence, malpractice, or willful wrongdoing of another person or entity. A personal injury claim, however, can take various forms.  There are four types of damages that personal injury cases cover:

  • Financial
  • Reputational
  • Physical
  • Intentional.

One or more of these categories may be involved in a personal injury case. Frequently held misconceptions about personal injury lawsuits result from misleading information spread by insurance adjusters. Filing a personal injury lawsuit can have several benefits in the long run. Beware of the following misconceptions when filing for a case:

Myth 1: Minor Injuries Do Not Need A Lawyer

When you have been harmed due to someone else’s negligence, it is always a good idea to seek legal counsel. Even though your current injuries might be minor, medical expenses and lost wages can quickly mount up. Sometimes a simple injury might develop into a more serious ailment or lead to ongoing issues. Additionally, there is a chance of long-term psychological injury. You cannot file a claim after accepting a settlement offer or after the time constraints on your claim have passed.

Myth 2: You Have To Go Court

Most personal injury cases are never filed in court, and even fewer cases ever reach a trial. According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, out-of-court settlements are the preferred method of dispute resolution. Naturally, a few personal injury cases do end up in court. In these situations, injured victims may sustain permanently disfiguring or disabling injuries or other damages. Although claimants should be ready in case their case goes to trial, this is rarely the case in practice.

Myth 3: You Can File A Claim Anytime

Pretrial procedures vary from state to state, but a personal injury case generally takes one to two years to reach trial. Remember that a lawsuit must be filed within limited time frames established by each state’s statute of limitations. The right to file a lawsuit may be completely forfeited if the filing deadline is missed. Furthermore, the deadline for bringing a lawsuit can be even shorter than the usual statute of limitations if you have a claim against a government body. The quicker the claims procedure can get underway, the simpler it will be to hold the other party accountable.

Myth 4: Personal Injury Lawyers Are Expensive

Unlike other lawyers, most personal injury lawyers don’t require an upfront payment. They instead operate on a “contingency fee agreement.” In a contract for contingent fees, there are no upfront legal expenses due from the client. A contingency fee in an injury lawsuit refers to a fee arrangement where the attorney agrees to be paid only if you win in your legal action. The attorney agrees to accept a portion of the amount you win as payment for their services. The attorney shares the risk you may win in court with a contingency fee arrangement.

Myth 5: You Can Successfully Represent Yourself

Insurance companies compensate claims with representation more generously than they do unrepresented parties. An insurance adjuster’s objective is to reduce the losses incurred by their employer. They frequently use the presence of unrepresented or inadequately represented claimants as a cue to make low settlement offers and exert considerable pressure on claimants to accept them. It’s also crucial to remember that those who handle their cases run a larger danger of saying or doing something that could undermine the results. You must, therefore, hire a lawyer since they are trained in handling all written and verbal correspondence with insurance companies.

Final Thoughts:

Most personal injury attorneys are committed to justice and uphold moral principles. Personal injury attorneys are essential in holding negligent parties responsible and obtaining just compensation for compensatory damages such as medical expenses, lost wages, and non-economic pain and suffering damages. Particularly when there is a chance of long-term physical or psychological harm, personal injury cases should always be evaluated carefully by qualified attorneys.

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