6 Ways To Help Deal With Toddler Tantrums

Raising a toddler is one of the most difficult stages of parenting. Your child experiences so many emotional, physical, and developmental changes that it can result in more frequent outbursts and unpredictable behavior. While you can use different techniques to manage your own anxiety and stress, such as meditation and over the counter calming pills, here are some important strategies to help you deal with toddler tanrums.

Why Is My Toddler Throwing Tantrums?

Though it seems like they grow up fast, toddlers’ brains are not fully equiped to process the confusing emotions and situations of everyday life. Simply put, you can’t expect toddlers to control themselves like older children. If you feel like there’s no solution except to wait it out, you are not alone in your anxiety and stress. Before you deal with your toddler, make your own health a priority. Try to cut down screen time to manage your moods and consider alternatives to anxiety medication that can increase your focus and clarity.

How To Avoid Toddler Tantrums

As you explore parenting strategies and find out which techniques work for you, here are some ideas to help you manage your toddlers big emotions.

1. Stick to a Routine – Keep your regular day to day routine going, even if you’re traveling or experiencing change in your household. If your child knows what to expect in a day, it will provide a sense of security and a foundation for dealing with new emotions.

2. Stay Away from Tantrum Triggers – If you know what sets your child off, try to steer clear. Even if that means putting away a particular toy or avoiding a shop or restaurant until your child is better able to deal with structure and guidance, it will be worth it.

3. Plan Your Day Around Your Toddler – If you can, complete your errands and shopping during times when your child will be easier to manage. Some appointments will clash with meal and nap times, but try your best to plan around your child to help them feel comfortable and less likely to have an outburst.

4. Let Your Child Make Choices – Something as simple as being able to choose what to wear in a day can give your child the sense of independence they need to manage other stressful situations.

5. Give Praise Freely and Often – Don’t miss an opportunity to praise your child for doing the right thing. This will go a long way in helping secure a peaceful and happy home.

6. Show Empathy and Compassion – It’s important to name your children’s emotions and show that you understand where they are coming from when they get upset. This will help establish a foundation for calming down and connecting, which will ultimately ease tantrums in the future.

You know what’s best for your child, but it’s okay to admit when you need extra help and guidance. You can explore holistic options for treating anxiety, such as non prescription anxiety medication, and choose activity over screen time to set a healthy example for your children.

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