eLearning Partners Reveal What Should You Be Investing in Right Now to Guarantee Returns?

When it comes to investing, your ultimate goal is a return on investment. In this article, eLearning Partners will share their tips on how to invest in getting a definite ROI!

It’s always a challenge to know what you should be investing in right now, so before investing in other ventures, the absolute best investment is to invest in yourself. What does this have to do with eLearning, you may ask. Take a closer look at how this works. 

Tip #1. Dollar-cost Averaging and Personal Investment

When investing in yourself, the best and proven strategy is to take advantage of dollar-cost averaging (DCA). DCA is a common technique for traditional investments when you invest a little bit of money over time. The idea is that you spread out the risks and invest incrementally. Over time, the investments add up, but your risks are lower because they are spread out. 

This is particularly helpful if you have only limited time or money to invest at the moment. It doesn’t matter if you gain a single new skill or micro skill. Once you have more time and money to invest, you can take another course and learn new skills gradually. DCA lets you spread this out.

In the same exact way, you can start investing in your long-term success by setting aside 30 minutes a day to work towards your side hustle, or to create an educational product – an eLearning program or course that will eventually end up making you passive income. And if you aren’t sure where to start in this process – take our Free MasterClass! 

Below are some tips on what you should be investing in right now to guarantee returns, but also – great ideas for online course topics (in case you have sufficient expertise in this already). 

Tip #2. Invest in Personal Development

Personal development is one of the most important parts of your continuing education. Think of this as continued learning after your formal education. This type of personal development can consist of learning anything that adds value to your life. 

One example is enhancing your knowledge of personal finance, something rarely covered in formal education. You could also invest in personal health and wellness. That can be expressed in various initiatives, such as workout out, getting therapy to deal with traumatic experiences, managing stress, and eating right. 

Personal development can also involve honing a particular skill or hobby. For example, you may want to get better behind the camera by taking a photography course, spending more time behind the camera, and watching how other photographers do it. 

Tip #3. Invest in Technical Skills 

Investing in your personal development is about learning new things, but investing in technical skills focuses on adding value to yourself and your resume. If you are employed, gaining technical skills can lead to a promotion or a better-paying job. If you are an entrepreneur, it can help you attract clients by adding to your skillset. 

Technical skills include both hard and soft skills, like learning a trade or taking computer science courses. You can take a course that can be applied across many industries, like communication skills, emotional intelligence, or managing interpersonal relationships. 

Tip #4. It’s Now Easier to Invest in Yourself Than Ever Before

With the rise of online learning, it is incredibly easy to invest in yourself these days. 


Bootcamps are an excellent example, as they teach you the skills you need in a short period. For example, a computer programming Bootcamps can cost a fraction of university tuition fees and will only take six months. At the end of the training, you will have some of the skills to land a new, higher-paying job. 

Online Courses from Big Names

You can also take advantage of the online courses offered by big-name universities. They are much more affordable than going to Harvard or another big-name school. You can even do them from anywhere while being able to add the university to your resume. 

Courses from SME

You can also gain valuable new skills from online courses by subject matter experts (SMEs). Learning directly from experts can deliver incredible value. 


If you’ve been wondering what you should be investing in right now, start from yourself – investing time and money in yourself is the best way to see a return on investment. This can be in the form of taking online courses and even making one based on your knowledge and expertise. 

About eLearning Partners

eLearning Partners — formerly known as VP Legacies — is a company specializing in eLearning. Our clients range from small to mid-sized organizations that are looking to develop & launch their eLearning products — online courses, employee training, and entire Internal Universities. Over the last eight years, we’ve successfully deployed eLearning products 7x faster than the industry average with an 80% learner engagement — all due to our exceptional focus on the Learners and their needs. 

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