What is Radiesse best used for?

A dermal filler – an injectable gel used in the aesthetic medicine sphere for skin rejuvenating and perfecting purposes. There are plenty of brands available on the market, and only an experienced specialist can choose the perfect option to reach set goals for one’s appearance.

Today’s article is dedicated to the most popular filler with calcium hydroxylapatite in its composition – Radiesse. It is able to not only eliminate severe facial wrinkles, but the number of various benefits a patient may expect is also more impressive than just that. Here, we will discuss all widely asked questions and tell all about such a fantastic brand as Radiesse. Please keep reading and learning together with us!

Is it possible to buy Radiesse online to use it at home?

Unfortunately, the answer to this question is no; it’s impossible. The Radiesse brand (like all other dermal fillers) is meant for professional use only, which means only experienced specialists can buy Radiesse online on dkdermal.com and then use it in their clinics. It is crucial to possess a valid license that can prove one’s qualification because a supplier won’t sell the filler to a customer without it.

If a person somehow managed to purchase Radiesse, it is forbidden to try to use it on their own. The thing is, unprofessional use of the filler can be dangerous, even life-threatening to a client. Please, don’t do this and use a professional’s services to improve skin condition and appearance in general.

Primary information about the Radiesse filler

Radiesse dermal filler is a gel-like injectable meant to help patients reach previously set aesthetic goals and noticeably improve their appearance for a long time. Unlike other fillers, this brand has calcium hydroxylapatite in its base, which not only works great for wrinkles elimination but also stimulates collagen production in the body. In this way, the results can last much longer, and many conditions may be corrected with its help.

Target areas

Radiesse treatments include a wide range of possible target areas and aesthetic purposes. Typically, medical experts choose this product to perform the following cosmetic beauty tasks:

  • Remove wrinkles and folds in certain areas (nasolabial folds, marionette lines, other lines around the mouth and nose, and so on);
  • Facial augmentation in the areas of facial loss;
  • Slight lip augmentation;
  • Reduce sagging skin;
  • Get rid of volume loss in hands;
  • And so on.

Radiesse anti-aging procedures don’t take too much time (up to 30 minutes is typically enough) and are not painful or dangerous. Before the filler administration, a topical numbing cream is applied on the skin surface to make sure there will be no discomfort during the treatment; afterward, the product is injected subcutaneously into the target zones.

After the administration, some time is needed for the results to show up fully; most specialists claim a week is enough for most patients. But don’t worry, this product is worth waiting for! Thanks to the new collagen that starts producing in the body, the effect lasts even after the product wears off; thus, the result lasts up to two years in some individuals. Sound pretty amazing, isn’t it?

What distinguishes Radiesse from hyaluronic acid fillers?

Calcium hydroxylapatite fillers are usually not as popular as hyaluronic acid ones; that’s the main reason why many people think they are not as effective and shouldn’t even be considered as an option. However, HA-based fillers are just more universal and thus can be used for more audiences. Such products as Radiesse also have numerous benefits and shouldn’t be ignored by those who would like to improve their facial area.

The most important and special Rediesse’s feature is that this injectable helps to produce more collagen. As a result, Radiesse results last up to two years, even after the filler wears off. This long-term improvement doesn’t demand a tedious recovery and rehabilitation process – all potential side effects are usually gone in a few days!

And, of course, don’t forget about contouring and facial volume restoration, which most hyaluronic acid-based fillers are not able to provide. The thing is, such brands as Radiesse are denser, which means they can make features in the treatment area more defined and noticeable. So, using such injectables makes it possible to work on the shape of the cheekbones and chin, nose bridge, and other parts.

The main benefits of the Radiesse treatment

We understand that, in order to be convinced to use the treatment for your personal goals and desires, it is crucial to provide people with primary benefits that they can enjoy using it. So, here is a list of top reasons why do you need to try Radiesse for your appearance:

  • Efficiency. Because of the product’s structure, it mimics connective tissue and can deal even with the deepest folds and creases;
  • Durability. Even though the longevity of the filler depends a lot on such factors as age, skin condition, environment, and so on, most patients are able to experience up to 24 months of perfection;
  • Safety. As calcium hydroxylapatite can occur naturally in the body, it causes no severe allergies or complicated adverse reactions. However, the injection technique also matters, so it is recommended to make sure a medical specialist is indeed qualified and has plenty of experience;
  • All-purpose product. Because Radiesse is a universal brand, it can be used for practically any part of the face and will always lead to natural-looking, positive results.

Note: During the first consultation, the dose, number of sessions, and other key factors are defined. Ensure a doctor is a qualified professional before using their services to guarantee a safe procedure. The remedy cannot be administered into the blood vessel or muscle, and don’t take blood thinners before the treatment. 

The bottom line

The Radiesse brand is a unique solution able to fulfill various aesthetic goals of an individual. It includes calcium hydroxylapatite in its composition and works best for facial contouring, as well as deep line elimination. Because the active substance can also be produced naturally in the body, it is 100% safe and rarely leads to severe side effects. Before using this product, it is vital to discuss this step with a medical professional to make sure the injectable is able to fulfill all individual needs. Thanks for reading!

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