3 Creative Ways to Enhance Your Cannabis Experience

Cannabis has a number of health benefits once you look past the high. The benefits range from mental health to appetite boost and chronic pain relief.

Now, if you’re ever bored with your regular canna consumption and want to shake things up a little, you can! If you feel like you’re not getting the type of experience you need, it’s time to give it a boost.

It’s all about getting creative and looking for avenues – safe ones, of course – that immerse you deeper into your weed experience or help to boost the medicinal properties of the drug.

There are many ways to liven up your daily cannabis consumption, so we shared some of our favorites. We know every cannabis enthusiast has their go-to preferences, but these tips offer that extra kick.

1. Try Cannabis Edibles

There was a time when the name marijuana brought to mind the image of a hippie with a huge roll of joint between their lips. That time is long gone.

Ever since studies began unraveling the immense potential of cannabis, various consumption methods sprung up that made smoking a lot less necessary.

What you should know, however, is that while smoking allows the effects to kick in faster, it doesn’t maintain them for long.

That ended with the arrival of cannabis-infused foods or edibles.

Edibles offer a new and unique cannabis experience. Slow to kick in but can last as much as 12 hours.

If you’ve been looking for a way of drawing out your weed experience, perhaps it’s time to take things to the kitchen and experiment with edibles.

Cooking with Cannabis

Before we get into cooking with cannabis, did you know certain foods naturally boost the effects of cannabis?

Well, this post lists them out and goes into detail about each.

If you’re new to cooking with cannabis, there’s this fantastic ingredient infused with cannabis called Cannabutter. Cannabutter makes cooking with cannabis easier as you can top it in foods and is friendly with different recipes.

Having a readymade Cannabutter in a jar kept in your fridge is the best way to keep it fresh and on hand. When baking, you can quickly decide which baked goods need to be infused.

While it’s irresistible, Cannabutter isn’t the only infusion medium when cooking with cannabis – not all foods require butter. You probably wish to infuse non-baked foods, in which case, you’ll need any of the other cannabis extract carriers like coconut or olive oils.

2. Special Paper Never Fails

Avid users know that there is more to the experience than the weed quality. What appears insignificant may very well make a huge difference in your experience.

Sure, the budding standard has to be of high quality first, but the rolling papers are just as important.

Try premium papers that don’t just wrap the joint but also make smoking comfortable and maintain the flavor.

You probably don’t mind the pre-rolled joints with low-quality paper. But it could be that you have never tried premium papers before. Well, you may have to do it yourself, but quality paper would be worth the effort.

Flavored papers are our favorite choice whenever we add some zing to the blessed herb. There are also see-through papers that offer flavor and allow you to see the contents of the joint. These excellent joints with unique tasty papers are worth a short for a better cannabis experience.

3. Cannabis and Meditation

People meditate for different reasons, whether to relax, treat mental illness like PTSD, or for fun.

Cannabis can come in handy when meditating. It can boost your relaxation and recovery processes. This deeper, more intimate feeling with your yoga poses may be just what you need before starting your day.

Try your favorite strain with meditation and yoga for the best experience. We recommend the Sativa strains as they are perfect for intense sessions, while Indica strains help with deeper focus during meditation.

Either way, watch your dosage. You want to heighten the senses, not numb them.

In Summary

You now have three creative ways to enhance your cannabis experience, whether to boost the effects or improve your response. When it comes to enhancing the effects of weed, using edibles works great. If you want to improve your own response, premium flavored papers or meditation can give you that deep, uplifting experience.

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