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Casinos with lightning-fast payouts – Is it a fad or an emerging new industry standard?

Many elements come together to make a great casino. There are aspects that are more important to some players than others. But one thing that they can all agree on is that they want their cash back in their pocket quickly.

Why are fast payout casinos important?

Any cash that you win while playing at a best payout casino is yours to keep providing that you are not using a bonus with any rules and regs attached. As such, you should be able to get your hands on that cash and use it in any way you want.

You might even need the cash to make a deposit at a new casino to land a top welcome deal before it expires. But if your money is tied up in another site, then you might miss out on some top promos.

What affects withdrawal times?

There are two elements in play when it comes to withdrawal times. Firstly, every business has an admin process for dealing with payments. And fast payout casinos are no different.

It would be lovely if anything you win was processed automatically by the casino’s system. However, there needs to be some human interaction to make sure that everything is as it should be. Errors can occur and it’s important for them to double-check all transactions.

Some casino sites will take a lot longer than others to get around to processing these payments. The vast majority will have it done within one working day. But it is not unheard of for others to drag their heels a little longer. The idea of fast payout casinos is that the staff at the sites are working to complete this admin process as swiftly as possible.

Secondly, every payment method has its own timeline. And this is due to the way that each product works.

E-wallets, for example, require a lot less interaction as bank checks have already been completed when the account was set up. This negates the need to check every individual payment as it comes and goes. For this reason, many players will choose to use an e-wallet for deposits and withdrawals whether they are playing at an instant withdrawal casino or a regular one.

How does a fast payout casino work?

In theory, there is nothing that a casino can do to influence any of the individual payment methods. The processes and procedures in place at each of the payment products is independent and cannot be affected by the casino. However, the one thing that they can control is their admin process. And this alters the time it takes for them to approve the payment.

The future for fast withdrawal casino sites

There is no need for a casino to hang on to a customer’s cash any longer than it needs to. And if a brand regularly takes too long to get customer payments out of their accounts, then they quickly get a bad rep. So for this reason, we believe that fast payments will be the standard very soon. has tested and reviewed casinos with quick payouts. So check these out to see what brands are leading the way.

Although as we mentioned earlier, some payment gateways naturally take longer than others. Debit card payments and bank transfers will always take a few days. This is due to the bank’s protocols that are in place. And until this changes, there’s very little that a casino can do to guarantee that payments will always be super fast.

So it isn’t a fad. But at the moment it is more of a dream than a reality for some customers depending on the payment method they have available. Your best bet is perhaps to look for an e-wallet product that can help speed up the process for you.