Trending Health Products You Might Not Know About

If you’re a fan of health products, you’re probably aware of the latest developments and offerings in the wellness niche. However, chances are that you have missed a few that slipped under your reading radar. They include some fresh version of old favorites like sunscreen, vaporizers, frozen meals, workout aids, and a new kind of bottled water. We can’t vouch for the claims made by companies that sell these things, but we do know that the items are new and are attracting a lot of interest from consumers all over the world. Here’s a summary of the ones that are getting the most media attention.

Super Sunscreens

Spray on and cream versions of sunscreen have been around for decades, but the new twist on the old product is about being long-lasting and invisible. The new breed of what most sellers call super sunscreen, is clear, not oily, and lasts up to six hours after one application. Plus, because it’s waterproof, there’s no need to re-apply the stuff after a dip or two in the pool, ocean, or lake. Merchants are also marketing super screen to older adults who want to avoid excess exposure to direct sunlight as a way to maintain healthy skin.

Pocket-Sized Vaporizers

For people who are tired of cigarettes and want to opt for a smarter way to enjoy herbs, flavored liquids, and all sorts of natural substances in the form of clean, pure vapor, pocket size vaporizers are one of the hottest sellers of the year, both online and off. To cite just one example, consumers can shop for the Storz & Bickel Crafty+ vaporizing device and get all the benefits of a desktop model in a small unit that fits comfortably in any pocket. In fact, the new watchwords in the vaping product niche are small, and discreet, because buyers want the chance to enjoy vaping wherever they are but don’t want to be on display while doing so.

Stretching Straps

Exercise enthusiasts love to stretch before or after working out. It can be a great way to loosen muscles in preparation for a bike ride, run, or swim. Others use stretching as a cool down method after a hard workout. Either way, it’s often hard to hold feet, legs, and arms in place while doing a particular stretch. That’s where straps come in handy. The top sellers are made of thick fabric, include several loops, and are about six feet long. Users put arms or feet into a particular loop (there are detailed directions about how to do a series of stretches) in order to get a fuller, more extended muscle stretch.

Nutritious Frozen Meals and Enhanced Water

One of the biggest selling online food products these days is frozen. You can order multi-packs shipped directly to your door and enjoy healthful, balanced, delicious meals. Prices are high, but some companies offer volume discounts to allay the expense. Enhanced water, that includes vitamins, herbs, and other supplements, is another popular choice in the food and beverage niche. Some contain lots of added sugar and caffeine, so be sure to read labels carefully.

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