PUBG Hacks and Tricks that Work

PUBG has become a household name since its release in March 2017. Players worldwide take part in a competitive Battle Royale where a hundred players are pitched against one another. 

PUBG has drawn the attention of many professional gamers, Twitch streamers, and content creators, causing an increase in its global popularity. 

The servers are always filled with the player’s skill set, ranging from rookie to veteran. if you too want to ace the game, here are some fun PUBG hacks and tricks to get you started and land more chicken dinners.

Here are a few PUBG hacks to get you started 

Work the edge of the circle

The circle which closes in on the players can be used to your advantage as it becomes a blind spot for most players and can be used as a cover early on in the game when it barely deals any damage. 

You can use this circle to take on unsuspecting enemies and even ambush players caught in the midst of a gunfight. Remember to check your health while deploying this strategy.

Mark locations with good loot

PUBG boasts a vast map littered with loot to accommodate and promote different playstyles. If you drop without an action plan, you can invariably run up and down the entire map without ever coming across good loot. 

Some places have better loot than most. Keep track of these locations and mark the landmarks on the map the next time you make a jump. Better loot ensures better gear, therefore, a better chance of survival. 

ESP and Aimbot

If you are looking for an upper hand in the game, look no further than the battle log. Co cheat community. The aimbot and ESP provided by the community are paralleled to none. 

Getting an early read on your enemies with their radar hack and getting those kills with their aimbot is what you need to get a head start in this game. See the software in action on their official website here.

Use doors and buildings

Falls can kill you in PUBG. However, jumping out of a balcony or a two-story building won’t. You can use this to your advantage by bailing out on a chaotic gunfight or getting a drop on an unsuspecting foe. 

Doors can be opened from the side without exposing your entire torso to a sneaky camper. Opening a door head-on is an invitation to eating lead at the doorstep. Don’t fall in the line of sight of the door camper.

Build your guns

A poorly-equipped gun can be your death sentence even if you have decent loot. The correct attachments can make all the difference in your gunplay by affecting your reload time, recoil, zoom-ins, and your line of sight. 

Having an idea of your playstyle and which guns you have a preference for will help you go for appropriate combat builds. Loot the required attachments even if you don’t have the gun early on. 

It is also advised to keep different types of scopes at your disposal for close, mid or long-range combat. A 3X or a 4X scope is a must for any inventory.

Using supply drops as bait

Supply drops carry some of the game’s best loot. The cargo plane makes a lot of noise while flying overhead, and the crate emits red smoke when it hits the ground. This acts as a beacon for others to go for the loot. 

You can exploit this as an opportunity to get more kills and also get away with some of the top gears in the game. Stay vigilant, as you might not be the only one eyeing the drop and camping patiently for a kill. 

It is advised to approach the crate with a vehicle so as to provide cover as well as make a quick getaway.

Be aggressive

PUBG, at the heart of it, is still a shooting game, and you will have to confront at least one enemy during the play. Gunfights are inevitable and even preferred to camping. 

Learn the hotspots of the map and drop there to engage in heavy combat. This will help you get accustomed to the chaos and develop better strategies for combat. 

Concluding Remarks

PUBG is a fun game to play with your friends or to even make new friends on the internet. The game requires quite a few skills. Hopefully, the tips mentioned above will put you ahead in the game and make your experience more interesting.

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