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Useful GoGoPDF Tools: Lock and Unlock Your PDFs

People are usually confused and are having difficulties in choosing the perfect tool for their PDF concerns. Although there may never be a perfect tool, it is best to consider a fast-working online editor for pdfs that defines completeness and precision. Talk about usefulness and convenience, GoGoPDF is your new online PDF converter that can perform these tasks effortlessly. 

How To Lock Your PDFs

The primary purpose why most people protect PDF is for securing confidential data in portable document format. There are dozens of options for this, which one should you go for? GoGoPDF is an excellent option to perform tasks like locking and unlocking your PDFs. It provides fast and free PDF services that can cater to all of your PDF tasks and needs. 

Provided that you are after file security, GoGoPDF has an excellent SSL connection with high-security functions to keep unwanted viewers off the grid. It ensures that your uploaded and converted PDFs are automatically removed from the web within an hour interval. Also, it has a 128-AES encryption protocol to safeguard your confidential records with passwords.

  1. Start by going to the GoGoPDF main page and click the “Protect PDF” option. This online tool supports most browsers, but we suggest using Chrome, Safari, or Edge.  
  2. Then, input your preferred password that meets the GoGoPDF system requirements. It must include symbols, capital letters, and numerals for a more strengthened password. Repeat your password and then click “Encrypt PDF.” 
  3. As simple as that, your freshly encrypted PDF will now be available for download! Depending on your wants and needs, you can also share your file online via URL. 

Unlocking Encrypted PDFs

GoGoPDF also offers a free PDF unlocker for your encrypted PDFs. But of course, only if you are the authorized person to open such a locked document. This free online tool is useful for people who tend to forget passwords easily. You can take advantage of this GoGoPDF tool to remove password security from light-encrypted PDFs without any hassle. 

For highly encrypted PDFs, you can only unlock them if you have the correct password. Without it, GoGoPDF will not be able to perform such a task. Besides, these kinds of top-secret files are not supposed to be opened unless you are an expert hacker with deeper intentions. 

Cut to the chase, and you can unlock your PDF by using the same uploading process as stated earlier. Then, GoGoPDF will initiate the password removal process and overall decryption, which will take less than twenty seconds only. So in just less than a minute, you now have your freshly decrypted file ready for download! 

More Useful Tools To Utilize

Since we have already uncovered the straightforward ways to lock and unlock our PDFs, we will now dig deeper into the other tools of GoGoPDF! Again, these tools are given for free. So take note of these extra functions, and you might find them useful in the future. You can see all the options from the GoGoPDF main page. 

Converting Files To PDF and Vice-versa

If you are seeking a fast and free PDF converter, try out the GoGoPDF PDF converter tool. Most used files such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, HTML, and JPG can be transformed into PDF using this online instrument. But if you want to perform the conversion the other way around, you can still maximize GoGoPDF’s other tools. 

This converter is quite useful, especially if you need drastic changes to your PDFs. As you well know, PDFs are not the best format for editing. With a PDF converter, you can change your PDF to its basic structure and give yourself unlimited options for alterations. Check out more options for PDF conversions and learn more about this free online converter! 

Combining and Separating PDF Pages

You will also have better PDF management with the PDF split and PDF merge. Using the PDF split, you can detach specific pages from your base document and save them as an individual file. With the PDF merge function, you can mix your PDF pages into a single file and protect yourself from overcrowded desktops! 


GoGoPDF has all the necessary tools that you need for more efficient PDF management. Although it still has more functions to offer, such as edit PDF, repair PDF, PDF reader, and PDF compressor, these are just icing on the cake. You might encounter more PDF concerns sooner or later, and this online tool will never disappoint as it is complete and precise with its tools.