What is CBD Oil: A Simple Introduction for Everyone

Recently, there has been much hype about cannabidiol. Despite its rapidly growing media attention, many people are still in the dark. So, what is CBD oil? Why is it trending? And how can we integrate it into our daily life?

Let’s clear some doubts you may have about CBD hemp oil.

What is CBD Oil?

If you’re still asking the question: what is CBD oil? Keep calm. Let’s help you have a better understanding of this life-saving supplement.

CBD or cannabidiol is one of the many active ingredients in the cannabis plant. Of course, Cannabis sativa is a family name for marijuana and hemp plants. CBD is a hemp extract that is processed to oil for treating various health issues. Unlike the cannabis plant, cannabidiol isn’t addictive because it doesn’t contain THC. You can visit theexeterdaily to learn more about the CBD and its various products.

Surprisingly, THC content in any cannabidiol product is usually less than 0.3%. With CBD, you can get similar benefits of using marijuana without any narcotic effect. Moreover, if you are interested in learning more about the different forms of CBD Products, go and have a look at https://hellboundbloggers.com/.

How to extract CBD Oil from hemp?

The processing method impacts the purity and potency of a product. Hence, we’ll consider the various extraction methods used in obtaining cannabidiol.

Ethanol Extraction Method

Many CBD oil companies prefer the ethanol processing method because it’s simple and cheap. With the right equipment and expertise, this extraction method can still produce high-quality CBD oil.

Ethanol can extract and dissolve cannabis compounds, including chlorophyll. The result is a dark liquid with a fairly bitter taste. Meanwhile, the chlorophyll can be separated from the oil using standard filtration methods. But, the product’s quality might reduce if the whole process is wrongly handled.

CO2 Extraction Method

This method is expensive yet produces the purest cannabidiol. Here, high-pressured carbon(II)oxide is passed through the plant under low temperature, resulting in 90% efficiency. That is, the yield is pure and highly concentrated. Since this method requires high-tech equipment and expertise, the oil is often sold at a higher cost.

Lipid Extraction Method

Though it’s less common than other processing methods, this one uses fat to absorb hemp cannabinoids. The main catalyst here is coconut oil, a mild solvent.

Hydrocarbon Extraction Method

Generally, hydrocarbons have a low boiling point, making it perfect for extracting hemp oil. Commonly used hydrocarbons include butane, hexane, pentane, acetone, etc.

However, the resulting oil is high on THC but low on cannabidiol and terpenes, making it unsafe. Besides, this method also has lots of impurities that could interfere with your immune system. Despite being cheap, many companies don’t use the hydrocarbon extraction method because of these negatives.

What are the different CBD spectrums?

After extraction, the oil undergoes further purification processes to create full or broad spectrums CBD.

Full Spectrum CBD Hemp Oil

This term describes a cannabidiol extract that contains CBD, terpene, and 0.3% THC. Meanwhile, full-spectrum proves to be the most effective CBD form, especially when using the best extraction method.

Companies that sell the best full-spectrum CBD oil products provide the cannabinoid information and method of extraction. Of course, full-spectrum CBD contains trace THC amounts, which shouldn’t exceed 0.3%. At first, CBD hemp oil has around 2 to 3% THC but will be diluted to reduce its THC content.

A full spectrum product with 0.3% THC will not make you high if used properly. Meanwhile, one can still test positive to doping with even with the low THC amount. With this, many people prefer CBD isolate to full-spectrum products.

Broad Spectrum CBD Hemp Oil

The broad-spectrum is perfect for people who want to use hemp extract without consuming THC. This one contains the regular cannabinoids except for THC. Meanwhile, technological advances enabled manufacturers to remove all THC traces through a specific chromatography process. So, ensure you’re buying a broad spectrum created by THC removal instead of the cannabinoids and terpenes addition method.

CBD Isolate

This spectrum is the purest. The word ‘Isolate’ implies that the product contains only one CBD molecule. That’s to say, other cannabis plant agents like terpenes and THC is absent. This isolate is chalky, with about 99% CBD concentration. You can consume this isolate in its different forms.

Meanwhile, many manufacturers use isolates as the CBD source in their full/broad-spectrum products. However, it would be best if you stuck to the dosage to get the same health benefits offered by full or broad spectrum CBDs.

In terms of profile test, an isolate only registers as CBD. But for the ingredient list, isolates use crystalline CBD instead of hemp oil.

Since terpenes help in entourage effect, many companies reintroduce it to their CBD isolate products called terpsolate. Of course, this isn’t the same as broad-spectrum because of the selective addition process.

One way to buy the best full-spectrum CBD oil is to check online test results of third-party labs. If there are no lab reports for the CBD brand you’re buying, look elsewhere.

How Hemp and Marijuana Relate to CBD Oil?

As mentioned in our’ what is CBD oil’ section, cannabidiol is one of the many cannabis plant substances. Again, CBD and THC are the most common cannabinoids in hemp or marijuana plants. However, marijuana contains a higher percentage of THC, which causes a light head. The solution is hemp, having high CBD but low THC content. Under the 2018 Farm Bill, there is now a distinction between hemp and marijuana.

Each marijuana and hemp strain has specific THC and CBD levels. So, cannabis farmers cultivate these strains for specific purposes. Many CBD products are from marijuana, but they are subject to medical and recreational regulations.

The proper way to Administer CBD Oil

Now that we’ve helped you answer the question ‘what CBD oil is,’ let’s discuss the best way to use CBD oil.

Currently, CBD products are available in many forms, including capsules, tincture, edibles, isolates, vape, and topicals. Your reason for taking CBD determines which one is good for you. That said, how you administer cannabidiol affects its absorption rate (onset time) and effectiveness level.

The delivery method is the path in which CBD oil enters your body. Meanwhile, the term bioavailability refers to the transfer of CBD hemp oil from the point of application to your bloodstream. It also defines the rate and quantity of the substance consumed that is active in your body. The level of a product’s bioavailability is between 0 to 10%.

Again, the CBD form determines if you’ll consume or apply it to your body. In other words, the cannabidiol administration route plays a significant role in its reaction rate and effectiveness.

You’ll want to choose a CBD product based on the factors below.

Capsules and Edibles

The most popular way of taking hemp extract is by mouth. It means swallowing CBD capsules or edibles. When swallowed, CBD gets to the bloodstream through the digestive system. The liver will then break it into different molecules. But, the only problem with taking CBD by mouth is that liver enzymes will reduce its concentration.

By utilizing the concept that cannabidiol dissolves in fat, scientists found a way to increase its absorption level. A combination of hemp extracts with fats ensures your body breakdown the lipids, utilizing the stored CBD in the process. Hence, this increases the amount of CBD that your body absorbs.

Fat-based CBD products are cheap and effective, making it one of the most popular options. But studies show that its bioavailability score is still low, creating room for us to explore other options.

Recently, the light beams on water-soluble hemp extracts. This one uses advanced technology to create small pieces of CBD oil, which is stored in water. Here, the surface area increases, making the oil readier for absorption. In comparison with standard CBD oil, water-soluble oil is about 200 to 500% effective. However, water-soluble cannabidiol products are expensive, and their effective time is pretty short.


You can place CBD oil under your tongue and hold for about one or two minutes before swallowing. When taking it this way, the mucous membranes in the tongue will directly absorb the CBD. Thus, this results in a higher bioavailability in comparison with swallowing a similar product. However, those who dislike the flavor of CBD may not want this method.

Inhalation by Smoking or Vaping

This delivery method produces the quickest onset time and highest bioavailability, thanks to the lungs’ membranes. But, inhaling CBD produces a shorter effective period. Some people may dislike vaping because of the risks associated with it.

CBD Oil Topicals

If you’re having skin issues, you can apply CBD oil to the area. Of course, CBD hemp oil is also available as a balm, lotion, and salves. For this method to work, the skin’s cannabinoid receptors take the oil to your bloodstream.

Looking at the above mentioned CBD delivery methods, your needs and comfort will determine which one to use. For example, you may want to vape, but your problem is its short duration of effect. Again, you prefer sublingual for its long duration but hates the taste. So, the best option is to try different products and stick to the one that suits your preference.

Why take CBD at all? 

One of the major things that attract you to CBD is its many health benefits. Of course, research shows that CBD offers therapeutic benefits for both humans and animals. Meanwhile, the FDA has approved Epidiolex for epilepsy management.

The following are some outstanding benefits of CBD hemp oil.

Combats Insomnia and anxiety

Insomnia has many negative impacts on one’s health, especially if left untreated. Currently, many studies now support the use of CBD oil for sleep issues. Cannabidiol can act on the brain’s neurotransmitters, which regulates mood and sleep. Here, CBD acts as a natural anti-depressant and reduces sleeplessness symptoms within a month of use.

However, when using CBD oil for anxiety, avoid products with THC traces to prevent addiction.

Pain Management

The body’s endocannabinoid system helps in regulating sleep, pain, and immune functions. CBD oil alters the activities of the neurotransmitters and, in turn, helps to reduce pain. But this cannabidiol only induces the body to activate its cannabinoids. Thus, people using CBD oil for pain may experience a significant reduction in symptoms.

Multiple sclerosis

This disease affects the body through the nervous system, resulting in muscle spasms. There are proves that the best CBD for pain also helps in combating multiple sclerosis. Besides, research shows that short term use of hemp extracts can reduce the spasms in people.

Cancer Control

The authors of a CBD Oil Review in the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology said cannabidiol could impede cancer growth. According to them, CBD’s low toxicity level is the reason for its use for cancer treatment.

Acne Management

Acne is a skin disease that affects about 9% of the world’s populace. It’s from many factors, including the accumulation of oil and dead cells on the body. So, acne treatments involve regular bathing and removal of excess oil from the skin. Recent study results showed that CBD helps in preventing acne by inhibiting sebum production.

Side Effects of CBD Oil Products

Most adults can tolerate CBD hemp oil across a wide dosage range, but some people still experience side effects. Some of these are tiredness, fluctuation in appetite, weight loss, weight gain, diarrhea.

Again, the use of hemp extracts with other drugs could influence their potency. But more research is needed to ascertain the effect of long-term CBD use on human hormones. We suggest you discuss with your doctor before you start using CBD oil products.

What’s more, research show CBD could interfere with the cytochrome P450 complex, a liver enzyme. This interference might prevent the liver from removing toxins from the body. It’s also reported that hemp extracts can put one’s lungs at risk. A herd inflammation reduction could limit the lung’s ability to fight off infection.

Is CBD Oil Legal?

The Central Government has approved the use of hemp products with less than 0.3% THC. But this isn’t the same for all states. Likewise, the federal government and some states also prohibit the sale of marijuana-derived CBD products. Make sure you check your state law before you buy any CBD product. Remember, it’s still illegal to administer CBD oil on children.

Should You Consider Buying CBD Oil?

CBD is pretty appealing to those who want to treat their ailments using natural supplements. Many have used cannabidiol to treat pain, anxiety, multiple sclerosis, skin diseases, etc. Of course, the FDA allows the use of CBD for seizures and epilepsy.

Unlike standard drugs, cannabidiol isn’t addictive and won’t produce any withdrawal symptoms if one stops using it. Again, studies are underway to prove how CBD hemp oil could help combat drug addiction.

Wrapping Up

The proven efficacy of cannabis extracts in treatments is the reason for the question: what is CBD oil? This article intends to help you understand the facts surrounding cannabidiol products and their benefits.

Now that you know what CBD oil is and its various delivery methods, you can hopefully make a good choice.

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