5 Questions to Ask for Fast Recovery after the Wisdom Tooth Removal

Wisdom teeth are the third molars that erupt at a later age. Due to their delayed growth, your mouth may not have enough room to accommodate them. As a result, a wisdom tooth can be crooked or erupt at an angle, crowding other teeth. Sometimes, it may even stick out of your jaw’s sides and cause misalignment with other molars. In all these cases, you may experience mild to severe pain and discomfort.

With a few simple steps, your dentist or oral surgeon can remove these problem-causing molars and relieve your pain. After your wisdom teeth removal, you need to take rest and eat proper food for recovery. To know more about the process and the costs involved, visit the site here: https://bestdentistinhouston.com/blog/wisdom-teeth-removal-cost/#Wisdom_Teeth_Extraction_Cost,

Here are some questions you may ask your dentist to make it quick.

What Can You Eat After Wisdom Tooth Removal?

The procedure of wisdom tooth extraction involves sedation or anesthesia to numb the area. The dentist widens the tooth socket for facilitating the removal. In some cases, the tooth may get broken in the process and need careful extraction.

You will feel no pain during these 20 minutes of surgery due to the effects of anesthesia. But, there may be slight discomfort or pain after the surgery. Hence, experts recommend soft and liquid foods for the first few days after the procedure.

In the first 24-48 hours, take only liquids or soft foods like blended soups, broths, hummus, whipped fruits, vegetable smoothies, cottage cheese, and yogurt. Eat your soups lukewarm to avoid irritation in the affected area. They will keep you hydrated and provide essential nutrients in the recovery period. Foods like ice-creams and puddings are also great treats to satiate your sweet tooth.

On the third day of your recovery, you can move on to semi-soft foods like mashed potatoes, instant oatmeal, salmon, and scrambled eggs. Do not take any spicy or acidic foods when recovering from a wisdom tooth extraction. Also, avoid hard and crunchy foods, alcohol, and grains like rice.

How Should You Sleep After Wisdom Teeth Extraction?

Sometimes, you may experience soreness, slight pain, or tenderness after wisdom tooth removal. To recover from these symptoms, you need proper sleep. But, remember to pull out the gauze from your mouth before sleeping. It may be a choking hazard if you leave it as is. Take the prescribed medicines and drink cold water to numb the pain. Put an icepack on the swelling when you go to sleep.

When sleeping, stack up a few pillows to keep your head elevated and comfortable. It will also reduce the facial swelling. Avoid sleeping on a hard surface, or leather couches where your head will slip or slide. Also, don’t sleep on your side at least for the first two days after surgery.

What Should You Do If You Experience Pain After the Surgery?

Not everyone goes through a painful recovery from wisdom tooth removal. But, if you have pain, there’s nothing to panic or worry. Visit your oral surgeon or dentist if the pain becomes unbearable. Look for the complicated symptoms like excessive bleeding, jaw fracture, infection, numbness, dry socket, or swelling.

Improper care after the surgery can lead to infections or any of these conditions, causing pain. Follow the instructions from your dentist and get  appointments immediately if it concerns you. 

How Long Will It Take to Recover After the Surgery?

During the wisdom tooth extraction surgery, you may be sedated to make the process pain-free. Hence, dentists recommend asking someone to escort you back home after the surgery. And the complete recovery may take around 7-10 days, depending on your symptoms.

The discomfort will start wearing off after the third day, and swelling will ultimately end by the 7th day. Use icepacks regularly during the first two days to reduce the swelling faster. The doctor will also prescribe analgesics for 3-7 days and antibiotics for 7-10 days after the surgery. Take your medications for a complete duration, even if you do not experience pain or discomfort.

This trustworthy dentist in Fayetteville also recommends visiting a dental expert if the bleeding doesn’t stop after a few days.

How Should You Clean Your Teeth Immediately After the Surgery?

Immediately after the procedure, the dentist will recommend avoiding using a toothbrush for at least 1-2 days. You may instead clean your mouth with salt water after the meals. But, do not rinse forcefully as it can dislodge the blood clot around the wound. Don’t use mouthwashes instantly after the surgery. You can brush other teeth as long as you don’t touch the surgical site.

Recovery from wisdom tooth extraction doesn’t have to be painful at all. Take help from your dentist or oral surgeon for any concerns you may have. If you wish to learn more about the recovery process and precaution methods after the wisdom tooth removal, visit the site here: https://bestdentistinhouston.com/blog/wisdom-teeth-removal-cost/#Wisdom_Teeth_Extraction_Cost,

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