How Entrepreneurs Can Boost Productivity

People that work as entrepreneurs have a lot on their plates. There’s always more work to be done, and there’s only so much time in any given day. It’s essential for people to use their time wisely if they want to succeed.

To keep things short and sweet, these are five tips for productivity that will deliver quick results:

Set Three Goals Each Day: When a new day starts, make a list of three tasks you want to complete that day. Once your list has been made, work to accomplish all of those tasks. Don’t check your email or allow yourself to get distracted until everything on the list is done. When you know you’ve taken care of these essential tasks, you’ll find that the other items on your to-do list won’t be a major source of stress for you.

Prioritize Exercise: Productivity and physical activity are directly linked. According to researchers, just 20 minutes of daily exercise can cause your body to produce endorphins, which can relevant your mood. Being active also requires you do show discipline, which can have a positive impact on your productivity. It doesn’t matter if you spend hours at the gym or head out for a walk on your lunch break.  If you get exercise each day, you’ll be able to get more done when you’re in the office.

Seek Help: Not all entrepreneurs can afford to hire a full-time assistant, particularly if the entrepreneur is working for a small business. However, it’s possible to outsource an assistant for an affordable cost of several hundred dollars each month. This means that entrepreneurs can seek support with minor tasks that would otherwise take up a lot of time. If you crunch the numbers, you’ll see the math add up. If you’re able to save yourself a few hours worth of work each month, then outsourcing will pay for itself.

Make Lists At Night: Thinking about all of the tasks you need to accomplish is something that can easily keep you up at night. That’s why it can be useful to have some paper and a writing utensil near your bed as you sleep. If you think of a task you need to complete, all you have to do is write it down. If you take the time to do this, you won’t be consumed by anxiety, and you won’t have to worry about forgetting the task before you can complete it. It’s important to write these tasks down on paper. If you use your phone or a computer to make lists, you’ll be exposing yourself to bright light, which can keep you from sleeping soundly. By using a time manager like Tracktime24 you will be able to input your tasks and ensure that your workflow is efficient, this works particularly well if you have a number of different projects or a number of staff to manage.

Don’t Be Afraid To Ignore Your Email: Many people allow themselves to be ruled by email. When we see a new message, we stop the task we’re working on so that we can respond as quickly as possible. It’s easy to understand why people want to answer emails right away, but it isn’t necessarily effective. When you stop what you’re doing to respond to your email, it will interrupt you, meaning it will take more time to complete your original task. If you ignore your email until after you’ve completed essential tasks, you’ll see a real difference in your productivity levels.

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