How to Delete AdBlock: Why Using AdBlock May Actually Be a Bad Thing

Advertising is ubiquitous these days.

Companies spent almost $60 billion on digital ads in the first 6 months of 2019 alone. The result? Ads are almost unavoidable online now.


Thanks to clever ad-blocking web-browser add-ons, such as the widely-used AdBlock, it’s possible to remove unwanted ads from our phone and computer screens now. That means no more distracting banners, pesky pop-ups, or frustrating disruptions or delays.

But is that a good thing?

It sure sounds like it. Yet there’s a definite case for avoiding ad-blockers as well. Learning how to delete AdBlock instead of installing it might actually be the better option.

In this post we want to go through why that’s the case. Indeed, there are numerous reasons to consider accepting ads as opposed to blocking them. Having highlighted those reasons, we’ll then explain how to get rid of AdBlock on your device(s).

Sound good? Keep reading!

The Disadvantages of Using AdBlock

Let’s start with the disadvantages of ad-blocking software.

1. The Online Experience Suffers (Sometimes)

You’re tired of seeing ads when all you want is content.

They’re frustratingly persistent, eerily personalized, and fundamentally disruptive.

That, of course, is the sole point of advertisers paying for them! They want to expose you to their offers, brands, and businesses.

The more disruptive they can be, the more profits they stand to make.

Alas, you’re tired of those ads impacting the user experience. Webpages take longer to load, are harder to navigate, and become less attractive from an aesthetic standpoint.

It makes complete sense that ad-blockers have become so popular online. Surely, the impact on the online experience is only ever positive?

Not always.

Ad-blockers are effective at what they do, but they’re far from perfect. For example, it isn’t unheard of for them to block useful website functions alongside the ads. You can lose access to key features like messaging tools and, sometimes, entire websites.

Indeed, increasing numbers of sites require you to disable ad-blockers before you can access the content (more on why they do this next).

Sure, you can usually whitelist that site. Yet that extra step is annoying when you’re in a hurry.

2. The Webmasters Suffer

The ads you want to block are in place for a reason.

People who run those websites know all too well how annoying ads can be. They wouldn’t sacrifice the experience of their users, thereby threatening the success of the site, for no return.

It boils down to revenue-generation.

Ads are usually the primary source of income for the webmasters who allow them on their site(s). Businesses compete for the ad-space that’s made available; they pay good money for the privilege of accessing the webmaster’s audience.

Block those ads, then, and their ability to generate revenue drops significantly.

That’s bad news for the people running the websites you like to frequent. More often than not they’re providing free content for our benefit! Articles and pages full of well-researched information and advice are put at our fingertips.

The revenue they get from advertising is their reward for those efforts.

Blocking the ads that constitute their livelihood threatens their ability (or inclination) to keep delivering free content. Keep reading to learn the wider implications of this ad-blocking eventuality…

3. The Internet Suffers

Two things happen when ads threaten the income of webmasters.

Both are bad.

Firstly, you’ll start being charged to access the content instead. They need to make money! If the ads aren’t doing it, then they’ll turn to new (and potentially more disruptive) income streams.

The free content we take for granted right now might no longer be available. You might have to purchase a subscription, for example, or sign up to their site beforehand.

Secondly, the demand for more subtle ads that evade the blockers goes up. The trouble happens when those ads become so ‘under the radar’ that not even you, the user, knows they’re there.

You’ll end up being manipulated into decisions without conscious awareness of it.

Keeping your browser free of ad-blockers helps prevent these kinds of outcomes for the internet.

4. The Independence of the Media Suffers

Websites owned by individuals aren’t the only ones to suffer.

Major news and media sites also rely upon ads to continue delivering their content. For many, the revenue generated by advertisement is a driving factor behind their very existence!

Take those ads away and they no longer have the financial means to operate.

What happens when independent media shuts down? It starts to close the door to a free press. Without a free press, then unscrupulous individuals with lots of money can start delivering ‘news’ that’s in their sole interest (as opposed to that of the general public).

The potential for harm is enormous; democracy itself is threatened when a free press begins to struggle.

Let’s not forget that the digital age has already disrupted the cash-flow of media sites.

People have stopped buying actual newspapers and moved to online content instead. Forced to transition to digital media, news agencies are relying heavily on new financial models (such as digital ads) to survive.

Deleting AdBlock will help keep them afloat and preserve the status of the free press.

Here’s How to Delete Adblock

Having provided the incentives for deleting ad-blockers, let’s address how to do it.

Thankfully, it isn’t difficult.

You could go the whole hog and delete the entire extension on your browser. Alternatively, click on the extension button in the browser and select ‘don’t run on pages on this site’. That’ll whitelist the website and ensure ads continue to show.

Here’s how to allow pop ups on mac for more info on this topic.

For the best of both worlds, consider using ad-blockers only on sites that go overboard with ads. These webmasters are thinking less about the user experience and more about lining their pockets.

Nobody would blame you for blocking the ads in these situations!

Time to Delete AdBlock

As we’ve seen, ad-blockers, though useful at times, aren’t as beneficial as they might seem.

Knowing how to delete AdBlock can help overcome the problems it creates. Hopefully, this article has highlighted why you might want to do it.

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