Eliminate Pet Waste with the Contact-Free Curbicus Device

Have you ever truly thought about the health hazards of dealing with pet waste or the pollution even so called “green” pet waste bags can cause? We now live in a world where “environmentally friendly” products are everywhere we go. Consumers have a right to know exactly what is in their products. “Green” labels are not only often deceiving to consumers, but consumers are unknowingly polluting our environment at an alarming rate. While consumers are trying to do a good thing by picking up after their pet’s waste, they are actually contributing to a much larger problem – environmental pollution.

Consumers need a more sustainable way to eliminate pet waste without worrying about pollution. Luckily, the first 100% clean, compostable pet waste solution is patent-pending from Curbicus, the environmentally conscious pet company. By making the choice in the future to purchase the Curbicus device over a standard plastic bag or “biodegradable” pet bag, you are making a seemingly small change that will have a larger, positive impact on the environment.

What is Curbicus?

The direct-to-consumer lifestyle brand was created in NYC, to help tackle the major issue of dog waste removal, especially in larger cities. The patent-pending technology in Curbicus helps to eliminate the “gross factor” of pet waste removal, allowing the consumer a completely hands-free experience. This will not only help keep the consumer away from harmful bacteria but will also help keep urban areas clean. The goal of Curbicus is to provide a more sanitary way of removing pet waste. Curbicus’ motive is very straight forward: to aid pet owners in eliminating the “gross factor” and help our ecosystem one environmentally friendly pet waste bag at a time.

The Difference Between Plastic Bags and Curbicus

Curbicus is not just a pet waste bag – it is also a device. Weighing just 1.5 lbs, the compact cylindrical device is small enough to attach to a leash or even the dog walker’s wrist. The device contains a small, battery-operated vacuum with a self-closing compostable bag. Disposing of pet waste is now a one-handed, two-step process, making dog waste removal safer. Traditional plastic bags are harmful to the environment. Many pet waste bags are marketed to the consumer as “green”, “eco-friendly” or even “biodegradable”. The issue with biodegradable pet bags on the market is that they are only required to be 25% biodegradable, leaving the other 75% to pollute our environment. Consumers everyday, are unknowingly a big contributor to the world’s plastic pollution, with tons of plastic each year ending up in landfills, parks, water and our entire ecosystem at an alarming rate. With Curbicus, the consumer does not have to worry about any pollution. The bag is completely compostable which will help to keep our major cities clean.

Contact With Pet Waste is a Health Hazard

Of course, pet owners try to avoid contact with pet waste as much as possible. Pet waste contains bacteria such as salmonella, ringworm and E. coli, which the pet owner often brings into their indoors, potentially making them sick. With Curbicus, the device allows you to pick up waste without any contact. Then the compostable bag can be thrown into a city trash can. This will help to not only prevent illness from harmful bacteria but will also keep plastic out of the landfills with compostable bags.

Curbicus (https://www.curbicus.com) will be ready to hit the market by the middle of 2020. When pet owners read this, hopefully they will make a more health conscious purchase when it comes to pet waste bags. As not all “green” labels are truly green, this will help the consumer to make a more educated decision when it comes to pet waste and their furry friends! 

Author: Christina Hoyt

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