What Is Fry Eye and How Eyeglasses Can Prevent It

We live in a world where we are connected to everything from smartphones to smart Refrigerators, everything we interact with regularly has transformed itself and now it has a screen on it. Even when we are working we need to be watching some form of the digital screen because of the advancement of technology.

Light, as we see it is a mixture of multiple rays of light, the spectrum of light we can see, is called the visible spectrum, but there are also spectrums of light that we cannot see like infrared and ultraviolet light spectrums. These light spectrums are quite harmful to our eyes if we are exposed to them for a long time.

Unfortunately, the devices that we use regularly are the main source of these harmful rays, these harmful rays are called blue rays and if we are in contact with these type of lights for a long period of time, then we will suffer from different diseases such as fry eye.

How Cheap Glasses Can Help Avoid Fry Eyes?

In order to understand how cheap glasses can help us avoid fry eye, we need to understand that what is fry eye and what is blue light and what are their purposes.

What Is A Fry Eye?

Fry eye is not a medical condition or term, but people have started to use it as a generic name, the scientific name for this medical condition is computer vision syndrome, and it is caused due to prolonged exposures to blue light. 

What Is Blue Light?

Blue light is a spectrum of light that is generally emitted from artificially generated lights, while blue lights are majorly made from artificial lights, the sun is also responsible for creating a fair amount of blue light as well. In the early days where there were no artificial lights of any type, blue light that is being emitted by the sun was responsible for keeping our body active and fit. It also acted as an alarm clock because as soon as the sun went down, blue lights from the sun ended which informed our body that it is the time to sleep 50 euro bez depozytu.

How Harmful Is Blue Light

As mentioned earlier blue light absorbed in low quantities is not harmful to the human body but if we consume more than the limit than the consequences can be quite harmful. If we are exposed to higher levels of blue light regularly than it is seen in scientific studies that it can lead to eye strain, reduce vision, and even make us blind. It has also been seen that prolonged exposure to blue light can damage your retina permanently.

What Are Blue Light Blocking Glasses?

As we all know that blue light is also part of the light spectrum that we need to see, blue light blocking filters work on the principle of a polarized lens. Polarized lenses are made in such a way that it only lets a certain amount of rays to pass through and the rest is reflected. Blue light blocking eyeglasses work by blocking all the blue light that enters your eyes.

As stated above normal quantities of blue light are not harmful to us but if we are in contact with blue light constantly than we need to take precautions and wear these glasses. If you are the type of person that needs to sit in front of a screen for most of the day than you should consider saving your vision and using a pair of blue light blocking eyeglasses.

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