How To Grow Cannabis Indoors

When it comes to Cannabis, some people prefer to grow it themselves so that they can be sure that they are getting the right product. However, learning how to grow Cannabis is not something that happens overnight, as there are essential steps you have to go through. In many countries today, Cannabis is legal to grow in the comfort of your home, mainly because it has some medicinal values. If you want to learn how to grow Cannabis in your home, you must be able to consider a few options. The first thing you might want to consider before growing Cannabis in your home is if you are doing it for a short or long term. Before you start growing this plant in your home, decide if you want to turn it into a profit-based business, or simply want to plant it for your personal consumption. If you are planting it to sell to other people, then you should take note of the space in your home and know if it will be large enough for you. If you do not make these plans, you may soon discover that your home is choked up, and when visitors come, they cannot stay for long. The area in your home where you plant Cannabis should be secluded from other parts of your house.

Without further ado, here are the steps to follow when you want to grow Cannabis indoors.

Get The Right Equipment

There are several pieces of equipment you need when you want to start growing Cannabis in your home. They include a growing tent, potting mix, fertilizer, and smell filter. The fertilizer is to help your plant become nourished and keep it from withering. Also, the smell filter is to keep other parts of your home from smelling like Cannabis. You also need pots to put the plants and water daily. You can easily get these items from different stores around you or order online from Amazon.

A Grow Tent

A grow tent is essential when you want to grow Cannabis inside your home.

It helps to keep light concentrated on the plants in order to hasten the growth process.

It also helps to keep the stench from the plant inside and prevent it from going to other parts of the house.

The grow tent makes use of electric cables to provide light for you whenever you are attending to the plants.

In general, a grow tent is vital because without it, people who come into your home may not be comfortable, so it helps to keep that from happening. 


When it comes to growing Cannabis in your home, you must make sure that you have enough light to keep in the grow tent. There are three main types of light that cannabis plants need for adequate growth, and they are; HID lamps, CMH Lamps, and LED Lamps. You can find the best led grow lights for your grow tent in several stores around you or on Amazon.


This is another thing to consider before you start growing cannabis plant. In your grow tent, there must be a form of ventilation to take air in and out of the tent, so as to keep the plants from dying.

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