Smart Design Ideas To Help You Feel More At Home in a Rental Apartment

The apartment demand in the U.S. spiked in the second quarter of 2019, compared to the same period last year (according to data gathered by RealPage). This demand pushed the average rental cost in the country to a 3 percent increase, amounting to an average of $1,390 per month. In spite of the increase, a survey found out that 82 percent of renters still believe that renting is a more affordable housing option compared to buying their own homes. Those who have no capacity to purchase their own properties typically resort to renting apartments, and by tweaking the interior design with some DIY home improvement solutions, it can become the perfect home. If you are planning to move to a rental apartment, here are some clever ways to improve the property to make it feel like home.

Search For An Apartment That Suits Your Lifestyle And Budget

Looking for an apartment to rent can be challenging, especially if you have a bad credit score. But it is still possible to find one as long as you can show the property managers that you are capable of paying the monthly rent on time. You can also try to improve your chances of renting even with low credit score by offering to pay rent ahead of time.

You could also increase your security deposit or get a guarantor to reassure the landlord that you will pay. As much as possible, the size of the property should match your budget. If your earnings can only afford a small studio type loft, then try to make it livable according to your means.

Install Temporary Wall Decorations

Add a touch of your personality to make the small space your own. One of the most affordable and practical ways to do it is to use a peel-and-stick wallpaper to liven up any bare walls. This way, you do not need to worry about having problems with the property manager since you can easily remove the wallpaper any time. This can be a perfect option if you are not allowed to repaint any part of the property. You can also hang your favorite art pieces on the walls using adhesive hooks.

Change The Lighting

Most apartments are installed with generic light fixtures. This can be improved by changing it as soon as you move in. You can replace it with a stylish lighting fixture that matches your taste. This can easily make you feel right at home with your new apartment. However, you still need to ask your property manager for permission, especially if there are any electrical issues that need to be addressed. You also need to give back the old fixtures so they can be returned when you decide to leave the apartment for good.

These are just some of your options to give your apartment a homey atmosphere. You can also add a few accessories like your favorite vase, a heirloom item from your parents’ house, or framed photos of your loved ones. Adding these elements can help you to feel at home even if you live in a rental.

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