Why Wait? Get Same Day Delivery for Every Package

Thanks to the digital age we are used to getting everything now. If you want to find that pair of sneakers you saw your favorite celeb wearing you can click and buy. Need a new gadget just jump online. The only issue is that if you run a small business your clients want and expect that level speed. Luckily you don’t need to be a mega-marketplace like Amazon to offer same day delivery to your customers. Check out all the great ways you can provide this game-changing service so you stand out from the competition.

Check out the Stats:

  • A whopping 61% of online shoppers are willing to pay extra to get same day delivery.
  • 85% competitive edge over the competition
  • By 2019 about 65% of all retailers will offer same day delivery

What do all these numbers mean for you and your business? More productivity positions your company as more reliable and professional. Increases customer appreciation and loyalty, and sets you apart from the competition.

Okay, so now that we all agree that same day delivery is fantastic and you have to have it (right now). Let’s delve into how to deliver (pun intended) without the high cost.

How to Choose the Right Courier Service 

Back in the day, door-to-door couriers were only for those fancy companies with many floors and glass elevators. Today, even a small garage-style start-up can afford this level of concierge services if they know how to shop around. Here are some tried and true tips to picking a great courier service that will ensure you don’t pay a bundle and your customers receive their goods on time and in good condition.

  1. A larger fleet of couriers means your clients will receive what they need the same day
  2. Real-time tracking is a must – know where your package is at all times
  3. Security – Ensure your packages are secure by choosing Priority Secure couriers
  4. Reliable and Discreet – Electronic chain of custody lets you know your sensitive data is being handled appropriately
  5. Accreditation – Check that your service has accreditations and appropriate licenses to ship your goods

Sounds expensive, doesn’t it? Well, you may be surprised that companies, like CitySprint, offer courier services for as low as £4.99

International Deliveries

Same day delivery is great but what about other types of services your company may need. These days a courier service needs to be more than a local door-to-door service provider. You also need a company that can handle international deliveries as well.

Choose a partner that utilized the latest tech so you have all the access you need to track your shipments. When it comes to international shipping, speed, reliability, and flexibility are everything.


This is where a lot of small businesses get stuck. You do not need to waste time and money hiring and maintaining logistics teams to make sure your products get delivered on time. Choose a courier service that has a trained logistics team that can do all of this for you:

  • Online Account Reporting
  • Delivery Tracking
  • Committed and Reliable Local Center

CitySprint in the UK, for example, offers all of the above with same-day delivery as part of their a bespoke logistic delivery solution. It includes an independent consultancy, cost-benefit analysis, as well as detailed planning for transport.

Other Helpful Courier Services

Check out other services your courier service can provide so you have a one-stop-shop for all of your shipping and delivery needs. Some of these services may include:

  • Freight Services – make sure your courier service has trusted suppliers for international freight shipments
  • In-Night – perfect for a mobile workforce to receive their packages when and where they need it
  • Dray Delivery – If you run a microbrewery, chances are you need a dray delivery service that delivers kerbside, in-cellar or other unique location delivery


Same day delivery does not have to be costly or cumbersome. Choosing a partner that is accredited and capable of handling multiple services at competitive pricing will give you the edge you need to satisfy your customers seamlessly.

Author Bio: Written by Amanda, an E-Commerce, PPC, mobile app, and ‘I’ll give anything a go once!’ kind of guy. You’ll find me still debating whether I should. windsurf whilst mountain biking down your nearest big hill every weekend.

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