10 Popular Myths About Probiotics That You Should Know

There are various ways to stay healthy. Some include watching your diet and regular exercising to keep your body fit, amongst many other recommended ways. However, most people will never consider the consumption of live bacteria as one of those methods. To begin with, probiotics are supplements that secrete protective substances that activate your immune system against pathogens that may cause major diseases. 

Whether or not to use probiotics has sparked mixed reactions and various opinions have been formed based on speculation and half-truths. We have listed the myths below.

1. No bacteria is good for your body

Bacteria is often harmful and the mention of it medically always means an attack on your body. However, there are good bacteria and for your body to be healthy you need to have a balance of both. An imbalance can result in illnesses, for instance, taking excess antibiotics can disrupt this balance resulting in symptoms such as diarrhea, allergies, and worse still, autoimmune diseases.

2. Probiotics are only found in pills

Taking a pill for everything is a habit most people are trying to break away from. The good thing about probiotics is that it can be found in both supplements and foods. Dietary supplements like yogurt, fermented vegetables like pickles are an example. Getting live bacteria is as simple as consuming fermented foods and beverages.

3. Probiotics are all the same

Even though many products may contain probiotics, you should know that bacteria have different strains. Each strain plays an individual role to improve your health. For example, Lactobacillus acidophilus is associated with the treatment of urinary tract infections while Bifidobacterium animalis is linked with the recovery from food poisoning. When trying to figure out which is the best call, never forget there are plenty of probiotics options, especially for females. Since women are prone to a wide variety of infections, you should be prepared to stop them quickly and improve your immune system response. At DailyRoutine.co, you will find 100% vegan probiotics that come with an eco-friendly presentation.

4. Probiotics can be stored anywhere

This is not true; probiotics are made of living bacteria which have living organisms. Therefore they can only survive under given conditions. To preserve the living organisms you must keep your foods healthy for longer periods. Most probiotic foods and beverages should be refrigerated. If you do not keep your yogurt refrigerated colonies of good bacteria may die upsetting the balance in your digestive system upon consumption. 

5. Any probiotic will be effective

Probiotics pills all fall under a larger dietary pool of supplements, therefore, the Foods and drugs Administration (FDA) does not consider it medicine but rather as foods. This means some production regulations are lax and certain manufacturers may claim health benefits where there are none. Klaire labs infant probiotic are genuine sources of dietary supplements. 

6. Probiotic supplements are more effective than fermented foods

Whether supplements contain probiotics is all dependent on your trusted manufacturer’s words. As for fermented foods, there is a certainty that what you are consuming has live bacteria. You can always trust foods over supplements. Your diet should include foods rich in probiotics like pickles, green peas, and tempeh. 

7. Probiotics only help with digestive concerns

Probiotics are also good for vaginal health. Medical research indicates that probiotics can help treat and prevent regular cases of urinary tract infection (UTI). Most women susceptible to UTI can introduce friendly bacteria into their system and create a balance fending off diseases. 

8. Probiotics and prebiotics are the same 

The reason nutritionists insist on a fiber-rich diet is that it helps in many ways to restore your health. The major difference between prebiotics and probiotics is that prebiotics is pretty much food for the bacteria in your body. Prebiotics are a type of fiber which cannot be digested by the human body but are vital for being ingested as food for the live bacteria present in your digestive system.

9. Processed foods contain probiotics

Most processed foods go through various processing methods that can harm the live bacteria present in the food. Dairy products are rich in probiotics but when they are highly processed they may reduce significantly. You should, therefore, cut back on processed foods and consider consuming fresh organic foods instead.

10. Probiotics upset your gut health

Gut problems are associated with lack of fiber, nutrient deficiency, and use of antibiotics. Bacteria imbalances can cause weight gain and inflammation. Having poor gut health runs the risk of developing diseases. Probiotics offer the balance and steer you away from avoidable health risks. 

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