5 Unusual Life Hacks That Can Help You Learn Arabic Faster

Let’s face it – we live in a faster-paced world than at any other time in history. As a result, when people nowadays want something, they tend to want it NOW, and that includes learning languages. If you are included in that group and want to know how you can learn Arabic faster, we have the answers for you in these five tips on how you can learn Arabic in a more efficient and effective way.

1. Give Yourself a Break

I’m sure that many of you have had the experience of your parents hovering over you demanding to know, “Why aren’t you studying?” Well, the next time this situation happens to you, tell them you are simply taking a break because research has shown that too much studying actually hinders your performance.  Basically, if your staring at the same old material over and over, your brain gets bored too causing it to stop taking information in and you start to lose focus. So, study in short consistent burst of 30 minutes a day, every single day. More than that will not only cause your brain to stop registering information, but it may cause burnout, meaning you will lose interest in studying. If you’re studying in an Arabic course in classroom environment, however, that doesn’t mean you can tell your Arabic teacher to stop lecturing every 30 minutes, but you can ask to take a break every hour or so. And don’t use those breaks to catch up on your daily napping routine. Get up! Move around! This physical activity will both reenergize your body and refresh your brain.

2. Learn. Review. Repeat.

Of course while you’re learning, you may wonder if it makes since to go back and review since your goal is to move ahead faster. We’re not talking about reviewing things you already know well; rather we mean to use a technique call spaced repetition, meaning periodically reviewing words and phrases over time. You can use flashcards or download the Kaleela Arabic language learning app that uses this technique to help you learn Arabic more efficiently.

3. Let’s Get Physical

And by getting physical we mean get plenty of physical exercise. Cardio gets your heart pumping and your blood flowing which helps your brain perform better. A quick jog or other aerobic workout can help you both feel better and think better. Research has shown that just working out 30 minutes a day helps you do better in your studies. At the same time, while you’re working out, you can listen to mp3s of Arabic music, for example, and kill two birds with one stone by exercising and learning at the same time, helping you not only look good, but also learn Arabic faster.

4. Do It Yourself

If you’re really trying to learn vocabulary, master that pesky Arabic grammar or figure out the difference between what’s masculine and feminine – try going it alone. While practicing how to speak Arabic with your friends is a great way to use your newly found skills, you will only learn as much as the slowest person in the group, never mind the distractions if you are trying to learn in a café, for example, and all the noise and constant interruptions that could take place. According to research, it can take you up to 30 minutes to get back to the task at hand after being interrupted. That’s a lot of time wasted that could be well spent by flying solo.

4. Get Feedback.

Get feedback from somebody you trust who is knowledgeable about Arabic, and who encourages you to be your best. There is nothing worse than having a Negative Nancy criticize you and lower your self-confidence if you want to learn Arabic faster. So, get somebody to give you feedback on your Arabic pronunciation, Arabic word choice, and so on, as it is critical to your success without having to backtrack all the time. Most importantly, be open to feedback, learn from your small mistakes, and you’ll move on thinking that all Arabic is easy Arabic.

5. Let the Student Become the Teacher

Learning to teach Arabic is another way to learn the language faster. Studies show that preparing to teach increases learning and helps you organize your knowledge of the language better. Teaching also gives you the confidence that you actually know the language. Planning ahead for your lecture also allows you to review and learn more because thinking about how you would explain it to others will help you internalize the material yourself.

So, these are five tips that, when put into practice, could help you to learn Arabic faster. Let us know how they worked for you by heading over to kaleela.com where you can not only learn more tips on learning the Arabic language, but  you can also learn more about the Arab culture. And don’t forget to keep an eye out for the Kaleela Arabic language learning app, coming soon to an i-phone or android mobile device near you.

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