Nine Sleep Techniques to Help with Better Sleep Quality

One of the best things that someone can do for better health is to improve the quality of sleep, so there are several techniques that experts recommend for improving the amount of time that someone sleeps along with preventing sleep disturbances.

Sleep Technique 1: Regular Sleeping Schedule

With a regular sleeping schedule, the circadian rhythms of the body adjust, making it easier to fall asleep quickly and wake up feeling refreshed. Keeping the same sleeping schedule is also important for anyone who must work at night and sleep during the day. Changing the sleeping schedule frequently can lead to an assortment of health issues.

Sleep Technique 2: Avoiding Stimulants

Experts tell us to avoid stimulants that change the brain’s chemistry, leading to changes in the body’s circadian rhythms. Stimulants can include medications, including aspirin or decongestants along with caffeinated beverages. Many soft drinks and most energy drinks also have caffeine or artificial ingredients that prevent restful sleep.

Sleep Technique 3: Relaxing before Bedtime

While exercising is important for the body, don’t engage in a strenuous physical activity right before bedtime. However, a relaxing swim in a pool or a soothing yoga routine can improve the quality of sleep by releasing stress from the body. Some individuals enjoy writing in a journal before bed, or alternatively, an individual might read a book to induce sleep.

Sleep Technique 4: Dimming Artificial Lighting Gradually

Dimming a bedroom’s lights gradually can induce sleep because it is the way the sunlight dims in nature. This means that everyone should turn off televisions and computers before going to bed. In addition, turn a smartphone over to avoid seeing its bright light while trying to sleep.

Sleep Technique 5: Buying a New Mattress

Many individuals use the same mattress for 25 years or longer, and this is one of the things that can disrupt the quality of sleep. To sleep better, it is essential to consider the best mattress by considering the benefits of memory foam vs spring types of mattresses. While shopping for mattresses, take the time to recline on the samples in the store to determine what type to buy.

Sleep Technique 6: No Spicy or Greasy Foods

Spicy or greasy foods can cause indigestion with problems from acid reflux, excessive gas or nausea. It is better to eat these foods earlier in the day rather than in the late afternoon. Spices to avoid include cayenne pepper and garlic. Foods that are fried in oil or that contain animal fat are difficult for the body to digest, making it impossible to sleep.

Sleep Technique 7: Meditation and Deep Breathing

Many individuals can sleep better by using deep-breathing techniques or meditative practices that will release the mind’s anxiety. It is easy to learn how to use these relaxation methods by reading books about the subject or by listening to informative CDs right before going to sleep.

Sleep Technique 8: Proper Room Temperature

When a bedroom is too hot, it is nearly impossible for someone to sleep throughout the night. Alternatively, a cold bedroom is also uncomfortable to sleep in. Use climate-control devices that include a home’s air conditioner or furnace to maintain a bedroom’s temperature. It is also possible to have circulating fans to keep cool or electric blankets to stay warm.

Sleep Technique 9: No Napping

Naps will disrupt the body’s circadian rhythms, making it difficult to sleep for a complete seven to nine hours. If someone has become accustomed to napping, then it is a good idea to avoid this practice for several weeks to adjust the body’s sleeping patterns.

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