Take this Quiz Before you Choose your College Major

College. Even the word stirs up excitement for some and dread for others. These days there is so much pressure on choosing the right major, that most of us change it multiple times before we even graduate. You can save yourself a lot of stress by checking out fun and insightful quizzes, like a college major quiz. Your major is more than just the requirements you need to meet to graduate. Instead, it is a collection of points on your map to the final destination, your career.

This quiz asks pointed questions, you may never have thought about that can inspire you to choose a new path or confirm you are on the right one. Here we are sharing a few sneak peeks to some questions you will find in a college major quiz.

Are you a leader or a team player?

Whether you like it or not, at some point you will be required to work with a group. Do you think you work well with others? You may be surprised to find out your true nature is to take control and be in charge, instead of letting others affect your GPA. If you were thinking of a career in business, this kind of responsibility and leadership could be a perfect fit. On the other hand, if you thought you were disciplined, only to take this college major quiz, and see you would rather share the spotlight, and have everyone contributing, consider careers that are about the team and less about the individual.

Organized or Creative Chaos?

When it comes to turning in assignments are you handing in a carefully thought-over and edited paper in a pristine folder or are you running in the door and slamming down a coffee-stained few pages you just printed and crammed in your backpack. Whichever you choose may reveal your true nature. Perhaps you feel pressure to become a straight-laced attorney, in this quiz you may just reveal that you are destined to be a painter or actress instead, loving the drama and chaos that comes with being an artist extraordinaire.

Or maybe you didn’t realize how much organization and order makes you feel balanced and prepared for life. In this case, careers that require a high level of attention to details organization, and meeting deadlines may be perfect for you.

Are you a mix of both? We are very rarely all one way or the other. If you are as creative as you are detailed, a college major like Journalism or Architecture may be the perfect fit!

Are you emotional or rational?

It is said that some people wear their heart on their sleeve while others have a cool intellect that doesn’t let them waver. Whichever one you feel describes you, the college major quiz, can read that too and know which major is a perfect fit. Here are some questions to think about, to help you figure out if you are led by your emotions or reason.

  1. Your ex is in your class? Do you switch and run or pick your class over your feelings?
  2. One of your group members for an assignment barely shows. Do you get rid of them after all you want an “A”, or do you find out why and try to make an effort to include them more?
  3. You have a paper due – do you need to be in the mood or do you work at it steadily to avoid mistakes?

These questions and others can point to a career that requires compassion and understanding or a major that involves rational thought ruled by the mind and not the heart. Take the quiz a few different times to see what your true nature is, then pick a college major that will highlight your natural talents.

What type of learner are you?

Lastly, keep in mind that whatever major you choose your learning style will help or hinder. For example, if you wanted to be a science major but have problems remembering facts this might be a big challenge. Did philosophy sound interesting? It is but if you struggle to grasp sometimes intangible concepts or ideas, this may not be the right major for you.


Taking a college major quiz can help you reduce your stress and instead help you be prepared for what your college experience will be. With the help of these insights, you won’t need to jump from major to major, graduating in 5 years or more.

About the Author

Shirley is a content writer at 10Twick, who has written on a technology, from Jewellery to SEO Software. In her free time, she enjoys dancing, sketching, cooking, and shopping.

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