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The Different Types of Tennis Balls

Five tennis balls on the court grass

Tennis is one of the most popular games in the world, and it can be played against an individual or a team. When a team plays against each other, each opponent makes use of a tennis racket to hit the ball from different angles. The primary purpose of the game is to make sure that the ball is maneuvered, to make sure that the opposing team does not get a sound return. The scores of the game are calculated in points, and the team with the highest points emerges the winner. There are a lot of things involved in playing tennis, and someone like Serena Williams is seen as a legend of this particular game. Tennis is also an Olympic sport, and it is played at every level in different countries of the world. When it is time for the Olympics, competitors from all over the world come together to compete against one another. The game usually takes place in large lawn tennis where there is enough space for players to move around fast. There are basic rules to follow in a set of tennis, and players can be disqualified if they do not adhere to the rules. The game came into existence between 1859 and 1865 by Harry Gem and Augurio Perera, his friend. 

It is almost unbelievable that there are different types of tennis balls used by players around the world today. Every ball used in a match is determined by the kind of court and the bounce it requires. Two main tennis balls have been recently added to the list of tennis balls in the world. Here are the types and best tennis ball around the world.

Beginners Balls

These types of balls are developed for the purpose of beginners who have just started getting used to the game. These balls help beginners to tread carefully when playing, and give more opportunities for rallies. It also offers players the chance to practice their shots often and get better. There are three main types of beginner’s balls, and they include;

  • Stage 1 Green
  • Stage 2 Orange and
  • Stage 3 Red.

Real Tennis Balls

These types of balls are made from cloth or leather and are usually stuffed with horsehair to make it thick. Experts often use real tennis balls in the game who have increased stamina and strength to withstand the hardness soft the ball.

Pressurized Balls

These types of balls are stiffer and have more bounce effects that usually balls. The only bad thing about these balls is that once they are taken out of their pressurized cans, they start decaying.

Non-Pressurized Balls

These balls, unlike pressurized balls, last longer because they depreciate slowly. These balls are often used by casual players who do not want to spend on new balls.

Regular Duty Balls

These types of balls are also known as soft court balls and are often used in courts with clay.

Extra Duty Balls

These types of balls are also known as hardcourt balls, and they are often used on grass courts.