Work for Others or Work for Yourself?

Observing the way others view their life or run their career path, it’s something that you wanted to immense yourself in. When you were a little kid, you probably dreamed of being the boss of your own. You thought of creating your own company or attain the highest possible degree and be a professional where you’re basically the director that everybody else looked up to.  Unfortunately, it’s not going to be this easy. Life is tougher than what it may look like. However, you can do something about it!

There are life stories that “started from nothing, into something”. What do I mean by that? Many worked different types and numbers of job just to provide for themselves and their family a glorious lifestyle that everyone would dream of living in. Sad to say, even if there are those who worked tirelessly day and night, they’d just receive a minimum wage or slightly above minimum wage. This is where the mindset of writing your own pay checks starts.

Entrepreneur’s Muscle

You might be familiar with the term ‘Entrepreneur’s Muscle’ where it lays the secret business strength behind the success of many entrepreneurs. But did you know that you only need to know one? You could be the boss of your own; you could earn and write your own paycheck.

Vince Del Monte, a champion Fitness model and trainer as interviewed by a Multimillionaire Businessman, Dan Lok, shared his way up in writing his paychecks. At first, he was working regularly in a gym where he earns around $10 per hour. Imagine the abuse when spending thousands of dollars for College Education yet here you are earning 10 bucks in an hour? Because of his realization between his career and hobby, he started to get curious. Within his curiosity, he did something about it; he fed his curiosity. He started read books about ‘wealth creation’ and even asks for a raised. But when he wasn’t satisfied with their company’s raised offer, he was in his limits.  He then soon realized that it wasn’t his boss’ job to make him rich but it was their job to provide him a paycheck.

Just Over Broke

Many lived their life within their financial means, within what they’ve only earned in life. This is the stage where you started realizing if would go on to continue? What if sudden expenses raise such as accidents, health care, mortgages, and other unexpected events? How would one be able to sustain it all when he or she earned just enough or even less?

When Mr. Del Monte realized that he wanted to stand with his decision in life, he was introduced into selling. At the age of 22, he was doing a high-ticket sale or high-ticket closing. He was still continuing his job as a trainer yet with personal commission around 10% to 20% each membership.

Let’s say, he spoke with ten people who’s interested in working with him. Membership fee would cost around $40 a month and around $600 a year. Assuming that these people are scheduled for three days a week which also has its own payment supposing $2 per day.  With those days, they’d have to pay for membership, training, and the daily fee whenever they have to go to gym. From this, you could already get your commission from the total earnings of the gym. This could turn up to estimate $150 dollars per year in each customer. See the big difference from a simple $10 per hour?

However, he described this journey as a “rollercoaster” yet this is where his life out of J.O.B went off within his emotional resilience and leads him to much bigger opportunities. He found a way how to use a certain situation into his hands.

The Secret Skill

If what you’re doing is something you’re really passionate about or not, you can always find a way how to manage earning revenues not just for your company but to yourself as well. Mr. Del Monte’s secret was not just knowing how to train and strengthen people’s built. It wasn’t just something as easy as pushing or encouraging people but his ABILITY TO SELL AND CLOSE. He learned the tricks to sell to people and this became his foundation in writing his own paychecks. In other words, he got the skills of persuasion or encouraging people the need to go to him and get membership. This way, he would generate more revenues even if his commission was just 20% or less.

This could be applicable in different sort of jobs, careers or businesses.  However, the skill of persuasion and/or the ability to sell and close is something that one should learn and continue to apply. It’s not something that people would just make you realize that you need this skill and that. It’s something that works within emotions. “People are not buying the product; they’re not buying the outcome. People are buying feelings. And the more you make someone feel, the more you make someone buy” as advice by Vince Del Monte.

Yes! In this time on, it’s seems to be a mind game. How would you be able to make use of your energy and time in earning much more than usual? How will you get this opportunity to build something greater? Do not be afraid to grow. Have an inspiration, build your ‘entrepreneur’s muscle’ and always have the courage to speak out and not settle for less. You would definitely want people to buy your products or services yet showing it to them with the most realistic logic. Be their speed. Be the vehicle that would help them to reach their goals faster.

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