7 Steps to Successful Office Relocation

Relocating offices is a massive undertaking that requires careful planning. The key to success is to prepare a start-to-finish process and include as much critical detail as possible.

Below is a list of the 7 key factors you need to consider when relocating offices.

1. Evaluate Your Needs

The location of your new offices needs to align with your business needs. The first question to consider is an appropriate location and a building that will fulfil your needs; size, flexibility and image.

Bear in mind that the design and layout of an office plays a key role in the performance, acquisition and retention of employees. Many companies are revamping the design of their offices to fall in line with modern trends and the mindsets of today’s workforce.

2. Assemble an office relocation team

Leading office designers, Office Principles, say the design trends of modern offices are geared towards employees. The workspaces you create have to take into account how people will use them. Your new offices, therefore, have to accommodate the needs of your employees.

With this in mind, it’s pertinent to assemble a team to oversee your office relocation project. The team should ideally consist of at least one member from key departments who can act as consultants and provide insights into the needs of their colleagues.

3. Set a timeline

Relocating is a time-consuming project. There is so much to think about and put into action. Without a timeline built into a well-planned schedule, your new offices may not be ready on time – and if you are relocating because your current lease is due to expire, late delivery will be a disaster for business.

4. Create a budget

Before you can even start planning where and how you will move – never mind the design and furniture you will need, a budget is imperative. The amount you have to spend will be a massive influence on your relocation project.

It is, of course, necessary to prepare a realistic budget. The initial part of the project should involve researching your options, listing the needs of your business and employees and estimating a cost. A detailed plan that convinces your bosses to create a sizeable budget will stand you in good stead to deliver successful results.

5. Design the office plan

During conversations with your office relocation team, you will be able to build a reasonable understanding of how you need the new office to function in a way that promotes health and wellbeing, efficiency and productivity.

Modern office design trends incorporate wireless technology, create flexible working spaces and encourage collaborative interactions. Having a mental picture of how your new office might look will determine the size and location of the office you move to.

Once you have a location and a good idea of how your office needs to function, it’s a good idea to consult professional office designers to create appropriate workstations and make the best use of the space.

6. Ready yourself for the big move

Planning for the big move well in advance gives you a better chance of meeting your deadlines. Identify and book a moving company that specializes in office moves at least a month before you move and start making incremental moves in the meantime.

Move in a couple of small departments before you transfer the rest of the office. This will minimize the downtime of employees and help to iron out any creases with utilities, internet connectivity and phones etc.

7. Opening Celebration

After all your hard work, it would be rude not to host an opening celebration to give your employees a first look and feel of their new work environment. You should also invite key stakeholders and clients to share in your success and underscore your progress.

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