Top Podcasts of 2019

As the world has progressed in the 21st century, there have been a multitude of changes to the ways in which the population consumes media. One of the top forms of media entertainment today that did not even exist 20 years ago is podcasting. Podcasts are talk shows that can be downloaded and listened to by millions of people across the web. They vary in topics, from sports commentary to investigative journalism, and can be listened to from the comfort of your laptop or smartphone at any time. As podcasts grow in popularity, people around the globe are listening in higher numbers than ever before. If you are new to podcasts, or if you are looking to spice up what you are listening to, check out these top podcasts of 2019:

The Valleycast

One of the top podcasts that has been gaining in popularity this year is The Valleycast. This podcast is the brainchild of Internet personality, Steve Zaragoza and his colleagues Joe Bereta, Elliott Morgan, and Lee Newton. Zaragoza leads The Valleycast as the four comedians discuss everything from current events to personal stories. If you want an idea for what you are in for when tuning in to The Valleycast, some of their episodes include titles like ‘The Worst Things We Did to Our Siblings’ and ‘The Case of the Mystery Pooper’. They also have a YouTube channel called The Valleyfolk where their hysterical antics come to life. This diverse group of comics are hilarious, and have pointedly comical commentary that makes listening to them a must.


Another excellent podcast that should be on your must-listen to list for this year is Caliphate. This show, which is hosted by journalist Rukimini Callimachi and is produced by The New York Times, is an interesting and stimulating podcast that attempts to understand ISIS. Callimachi tries to get an inside scoop on what is really going on in the War on Terror, while juxtaposing with finding out the reasons behind why people join ISIS in the first place. She delves deep into figuring out what the appeal is of this terrorist organization and the podcast really hits home, especially in the politically charged world we are living in today.    

We Like Drinking

The final podcast on this list definitely appeals to people of all walks of life. We Like Drinking, which is hosted by Jeff Eckles, John Ruyak, and Jeff Solomon, discusses everything you would ever want to know about alcohol. The hosts converse about everything from Croatian wines to local craft beer scenes, and often have guests on the show to talk about various alcohol-related topics. If you have a penchant for alcohol or you just want to learn about something new, definitely give We Like Drinking a listen.

Final Thoughts

Podcasts are the way of the future, as millions of people download and listen to them across the globe every year. With so many podcasts out there to listen to on such varied topics, it can be difficult to know where to start. By starting with this list, you are sure to enjoy and stimulate your mind in 2019!

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