The Best Crypto Wallet for Today’s Bitcoin Enthusiasts

Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Etherium, Dash, and Monero have been paving the way for the future, and what’s more important is how well you can transfer your coin from your wallet to other people. Well, that’s why we’re going to talk about the best crypto wallet for today’s Bitcoin enthusiasts.

Breaking the Social Media Mold

For years, people have been wanting to be able to trade cryptocurrency on sites like Facebook, and why not? It’s an easy thought when you and your family members may have some assets or stock in cryptocurrencies and would like to share them back and forth. Sure, you can share money on Facebook, but why not crypto? Well, has the answer to that, and will have the ability to let you share and trade your cryptocurrency for altcoins (Etherium, NEO, Dash, Litecoin, Monero, Bitcoin Cash, and more!) or for equal coins over secure transactions through social media, while at the same time solving the biggest problem that many bitcoin traders and users face – transaction speed (keep reading, we’ll explain that).

Slow Transactions Hinder Trading

When it comes to other traders out there, they often have to do the buying and selling thing, and it can actually take a while before they get their coins. While some sites can achieve a few transactions here and there in a matter of hours, it’s just hit or miss on how much the site’s load is on how fast it gets to your wallet.

There have even been users who hadn’t received their bitcoin until almost a week later (2-5 days), and by then the market price had already dropped some, and they ended up spending money on higher priced bitcoin (and they receive what they paid for rather than being reimbursed the difference). By offering fast transaction rate optimization, sites like will be able to do near-instant transfers of Bitcoin, especially when they’re done over social media.

Think Rubix Cube is like a Rubix cube in the sense that it’s ultra secure as well. They’re going to offer full on two factor authentication, and are in the final processes of getting the kinks out of it, and are going to be the most successful exchange on social media, but also the most secure. Many users are using sites like Facebook, and most people have Facebook Messenger installed into their phones and handheld devices.

By offering secure platforms on both Android and iPhones, Rubix is going to be the best EU-based blockchain platform which will be able to possibly eliminate the problems people have between trading to each other simply due to country limitations (it’s really hard these days to find an EU exchange that allows you to cloud mine or even purchase crypto in the U.S. today).


When it comes to having the most secure wallet, especially when it’s an online one, you want to get one that has security features out the wazoo as well as have their own security features to keep their servers from losing your precious data that holds your crypto keys. This is what is going to be able to do for you. Though the launch was delayed, the project is in full swing, and as soon as it’s done, you can bet you and your fellow crypto-enthusiast friends can start learning to trade on Facebook immediately.

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