HVAC Central Air Conditioning Installations for New Homes

If you’re building a new home, you want the best HVAC and central air unit possible. There are some important things that you should consider first so you can make the best of your situation, and believe it or not, some older homes don’t even have air conditioning. Does that mean you can’t benefit from it as well? By all means no. Central air conditioning has become a mainstream application that is almost a requirement anymore when it comes to heating and cooling your home. In this guide we’ll give you some tips that will help you in your decision to install a new air conditioning unit into your home.

Finding the Right Unit

When installing a new unit, what’s the most important is that you are installing the best unit for your specific household needs. For example, you don’t need a super-powered AC unit meant for an entire factory for use in a small 2-bedroom home. While it may benefit you in cooling and heating quickly and well, you don’t need to put yourself out 10’s of thousands of dollars just to have heating and cooling. At the same time, you do want one that is the most energy efficient for your needs (we’ll get into that here in a minute).

Energy Efficient is Everything

In contrast with the above paragraph, you will end up spending more on energy efficient units. The more energy efficient they are, the higher the cost you will pay for the unit outright. While this still doesn’t mean go beyond your needs. Literally almost any central air conditioner is going to be more energy efficient than a window unit, but you need to think about how much you are going to pay vs. how long it will take for that unit to pay for itself in savings.


Your fuse-box may not be able to handle the electrical load that is needed for installing an HVAC unit. Therefore, you may need to add more breakers and wiring in order to make it work well without causing electrical issues in your home. Never mess with the electrical house wiring yourself and always hire an HVAC technician or electrician (most HVAC techs can handle doing wiring for something that has to do with their subject field of course), but make sure that your contractor is licensed and fully insured. This will save you in the long run in case there is a medical electrical emergency.


In order to get your HVAC unit up and going for you, as mentioned hopefully some of these tips can help you. Be sure you check out the SEER rating, because if you’re planning on running your air conditioning unit or central heater (or both) for most of the year, things like this are extremely the most important so you’re not spending a fortune on bills. By hiring an AC repair San Diego technician who is certified and completely insured, you can usually count on them to do quality work. Never underestimate them though (there are many out there who don’t have the experience you may need) and do plenty of research to make sure your HVAC installer is also the right fit for you.

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