Crafting Content to Improvise Email Open Rate

Email marketing is highly beneficial in B2B businesses as it connects with potential customers at the right time. But the open rate has been a significant concern for many of the businesses. Email open rate has been around 18.1% which is not a good sign to deliver exceptional business results.

Most of the open rates are from finance which has an open rate of 25%, retail 19.3%, and utility the least with 14.7%. InfoClutch as a leading database marketing company provides email marketing services across all the industries so that one can connect with the accurate prospect at a convenient time.

Here are some of the tips to craft creative content for improvising the open rate:

1. Attractive Subject Line: Do not make your subject line dull and boring. You can invest some extra time for creating an attractive subject line before clicking the send button. Simple lines do not connect with the audience as most of the times the recipients are overwhelmed by too many promotional emails, so they either delete the emails or do not open it at all.

Include a question in the subject line to make a personal connection with the people checking the emails. Teasers also entice the subscribers to read the complete email. If you want to announce or introduce the specific product, then make the message clear and loud in the subject line only.

2. Getting To Know Your Audience: You should have the complete information of the audience to whom the product or service has to be promoted. Based on that you can plan the strategy. As a marketer you understand the needs of the customers but how much do you know about the customer to whom the email has to be sent. Marketing practices have become aggressive over the years with too many email blasts in the recipient’s inbox email, and you have to stand out in your email marketing practices by including lines which are catchy and make the personal connection with the audience.

3. Highlighting The Offer: When crafting a subject line, you should highlight the offer in the same so that it holds the attention of the recipient.  It can be like “Congratulations you earned 500 points in your wallet”, or “You have 50$ off in the coupon code”. Most of the customers get excited when they are charged less or are provided with offers helping them save money. They often make spontaneous decisions and buy the product instantly. As a marketer, you have to motivate these customers to purchase the products.

4. Creating The Urgency In The Email: Human beings have the innate fear of missing out something good. The subject lines should tap that fear for motivating them to purchase your product. This is a useful hack which has generated good results for the companies during the festive seasons.

Some of the lines can be:

             Hurry Up!!!!! Offers end tonight.

             You miss the chance to get amazing discounts, if not today!!!!!

            Stop Waiting, Take Action right now!!!

           Hit the Jackpot with the best offers……

          All these promotional lines arise curiosity among the recipients and compel them to go for your service.            


Sending the creative content at the best time is necessary to connect with the audience instantly. It is a fact, that creative content is a hit with the recipients but sending it at the right time is more than necessary. Most of the recipients might overlook the emails, as they will be overwhelmed by other stuff which can be personal or professional. Emails send at recipient’s convenient time increases the open rate exponentially.

Author Name: Robert Jordan

Bio: Robert Jordan, a seasoned marketing professional with over 10 years of experience, currently working as Media Relations Manager at InfoClutch Inc. Have expertise in setting up the lead flow for budding startups and takes it to next level. Have a deep interest in SEO, SEM & Social Media related discussions. Always open for new ideas & discussions.

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