Can Vaping Help You Quit Smoking

There are numerous controversies out there on the pros and cons of vaping, and despite the personal issues that some people have, medical professionals still state that there are numerous less harmful ingredients in vaping, so therefore, they’re better than smoking actual cigarettes. So the real question out there that many people face is can vaping really help you quit smoking? We’ll explain how and why vaping can help you quit smoking.

Nicotine Usage in Vapor e-Juice

Unlike some regular products that have limited dosage options, you can literally cut down when you vape 1mg of nicotine at a time, rather than having to use a system (like patches or gum) which is often 28mg, 14mg, 6mg, etc. This is why you generally see people still using lozenges or nicotine gum, and some people still wearing patches long after they quit, because they can never fully eliminate the need for the nicotine in their bodies. With e-juice, from a trusted supplier like, you can order a custom amount of nicotine (and depending on your e-cigarette, vape pen, or ohm vape box, you can lower the amount accordingly), all the way down to 0mg, and still get the same great taste.

Is Vaping Addictive?

This is a debatable topic. Many people generally get the quitting smoking part down, but they don’t actually get physically addicted to vaping themselves. They get psychologically addicted to the “flavor” or the feeling of reduced anxiety that they get when vaping. But nevertheless, vaping is a great alternative, and many people cut themselves all the way down to 0 nicotine and never pick up a cigarette again. After a while, they have an easier time stopping the vaping whenever they want to though.

Health Benefits of Vaping to Quit Smoking

As briefly mentioned, using a vape can actually have positive effects on aiding in avoiding withdrawal symptoms from the lack of nicotine, or the lack of “puffing and exhaling” that is a common thing that smokers don’t even sometimes realize they have a psychological addiction to.

That being said, it’s also more beneficial because you can still the get nicotine, and it’s much safer to cut down rather than quit cold turkey for some people, because of the risk of onset that some scientists have proven to be a hard change on your body, which can actually cause other health risks. While some doctors think it’s best to quit cold turkey, many offer smoking cessation options because they know that cutting down your nicotine won’t be a shock on your system.

Is Vaping an Expensive Alternative?

Believe it or not, some people do happen to splurge, and there are people who spend hundreds of dollars on e-juice and vape boxes per month, however this isn’t necessary. If you want to quit smoking, you don’t have to spend more than $40 for a decent vape pen, and you can often find juice that can last all month for about $10 bucks. That’s actually a lot cheaper than the price you pay in cigarettes, and even the price you pay for other products to quit smoking.

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