The Readers Of CNN Money Make Great Franchise Prospects

CNN Money was initially formed as a joint venture between CNN and Time Warner’s Fortune and Money magazines but now called CNN Business. As a result of the spin-off of the assets of publishing belonging to Time Warner to become that of Time Inc., CNN Money being no longer under these magazines now operates as a part of CNN head, Jeff Zucker as he had promised, shot up the sync between the website and the CNN channel in the form of unique branding and rebranding of the network’s show, Your Money to become CNN Money in 2014.

The Big Step

This great step served as a stepping stone for Cable News Network when it comes to financial analysis, information and how it relates to their target audience especially concerning the traffic in terms of stocks and franchise post. Come 2018, CNN Money was re-launched as CNN Business with this new brand focusing on the digital transformation of business and how it affects the various aspects of the world economy. A bureau was set up to this effect in San Francisco.

Global Finance

It would be safe to say that here, the progressive nature of the global economy, especially in respect to certain specific companies who are the world top tech organizations, is kept in the consciousness of CNN Money. It can be seen from the rate at which the newsroom is being monitored.

Tech Stock

The readers of the site can be said to know, understand and like their tech stocks. The market indices of the stock are usually provided in real time; the stock quote data for some top tech companies are generally at the top 10. One can easily say that the readers of CNN Money will make great prospects as Franchisees in that they seem to understand the running of the productivity of each of these tech organizations such as Apple, Microsoft, Ford, etc., as well as how these running’s influence global economy.

The Niche Within The Niche

It is no gainsaying that technology is the future of the world and its economy, one way or the other as tech has managed to infiltrate the various sectors or fields of profession present in the world today. The world of finance and stock analysis seems like a core holding the diverse areas together. CNN Money has surely carved out a niche for itself in the world of tech finance and finance generally. The readers understand this, and if anything, this depth of understanding alone qualifies them as excellent for the Franchise post.

Current With The Flow

It looks like the CNN Business itself recognizes this as it went ahead to establish CNN Money’s first ever full linear television and media platform to connect Switzerland’s most elegant business, finance, and tech organizations. The readers of CNN Money are kept abreast of all things business, tech and most definitely finance across the world.

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