How to throw a vape party

Cigars and scotch are out, vaping and beer is in!

Inviting your party guests to the den for cigars and scotch after dinner used to be de rigueur, but now it’s more of a faux pas and likely to elicit loud complaints from the other guests. If you want to indulge in such pleasantries but are worried about smoking out your other guests with your Cohibas, the big party trend for the new generation is to throw a vaping party.

The idea is simple: A traditional party with all of the usual ingredients: Great food, good friends and outstanding drinks, but with an outrageous selection of some of the most interesting e-liquids you can get your hands on. It’s trendy – and if your last party was a flop, this one will be a sure-fire success. The key to a successful party is usually just thinking outside the box and creating interesting activities that lend themselves to discussion. Vaping has certainly become a topic worthy of discussion, and what better way to open up the floor than to offer a selection of vape liquids to your guests?

The trend is becoming increasingly more common as an alternative to smoking, which has in recent decades become a big party no-no, with those wishing to light up a cigarette or a stogie relegated to the backyard. But, since the vapors from e-cigarettes are significantly less harsh than tobacco smoke – and they tend not to carry throughout the house as does smoke – partygoers are seeing it as an option.

While a bring-your-own-vape is one way to go, something a bit more elegant and offbeat is to incorporate a traditional hookah, with a vaping kit that is designed to substitute the standard tobacco hookah head. Vapor Authority sells the Genuine Aspire™ Proteus E-Hookah kit, which is placed on top of any traditional hookah and vaped just as a traditional hookah.

Regardless, the best way to approach allowing vaping at your party is to offer a separate “vaping room.” While second-hand smoke is no longer an issue and the scents more pleasing, you still want to be a good host and accommodate everyone. Set your sun room, den, or bonus room aside and designate it as “vaping only,” and be sure that the room has as many snacks, drinks and music as the rest of your home so your vaping party guests can still enjoy while they are socializing and enjoying a vape.

Need a few creative ideas? You’ve no doubt been to at least a few wine-tasting parties, so why note a vape tasting party? Provide a selection of flavored vape liquids and matching drinks and desserts! Strawberry vape? Pair it with strawberry shortcake or strawberry margaritas. You may even want to set up a “vape bar,” another party trick we’ve seen emerging at the cooler parties around town, where people either bring their own devices or the host provides a selection of devices. The most important part of the vape bar model is to have enough variety in liquids to keep it interesting, and a cost-effective way to do this is by purchasing a few sampler packs. Make sure to have outlets and chargers on hand!

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