Dart Games for Professional Players

The fame of dart games has grown massively with the rise of the internet. Playing dart board games is undoubtedly fun. It boosts your precision and enables you to involve a huge number of players at once. If you believe that the game of darts was only a one trick pony, then you could not be much wrong. You will see today a lot of types of dart games which anyone could play. In this article, we will present you two of the most famous dart games for pro dart players you can play right now. Are you ready?

Mulligan Dart Game:

Mulligan is considered a very complicated game with very basic and easy rules. Typically, it’s a game played by excellent pro dart players only. Any number of dart players might play it.

How to Score in Mulligan:

The target of this dart game is to close six random numbers and also hit the bullseye before the opponents perform the same. Here, the playing order is first identified, and the numbers of the players are written on top of the board within the game order.

You see, a number is closed when it’s hit three times, and the pro dart players concentrate on a number until it’s closed before targeting at another number.

How to Win:

In the case of this dart game, only the triples ring counts in the game, except for the bullseye round. Every triple count as one towards closing the number. Thus, three triples of every number and three bullseyes should be hit to win the game.

Scram Dart Game:

Another dart game for pro dart players is the Scram Dart Game. Scram is no doubt a fun game for two players which is played in 2 parts.

Scoring Rules:

Every pro dart player throws one dart at bullseye; nearest to the bullseye prefers to be the “scorer” or the “Stopper.” In this game, the “Stopper” goes first at all times.

The Technique to Winning:

You can utilize the weaknesses and strengths of your opponents against him or her. For instance, you cannot hit 18’s to save your life, but you cannot be stopped on 19s or 16s. Therefore, if you’re playing and new to this, you must try to stop 16’s and 19’s and let you founder on the 18’s all you want. It’s crucial to stop the higher numbers first.


We have a lot of more ideas for some of the best dart games for pro dart players to share in the future. However, these two games discussed in this article are tried-and-true famous dart games which will be some of our favorites.

So, if you are seeking a place to begin, or if you only need a break from Cricket and all those traditional dart game, why don’t you try these out? Have any recommendations on some other great dart games for pro dart players? Let us know, and we’d glad to hear from you!

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