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See 367 Best Web Videos Of 2016 Smashed Into One

Many would agree that  2016 was not one of the best years in resent memory, but that doesn’t mean that it had nothing good to offer.

Like always, people around the world found ways to show the best of them, resulting in many videos reminding us just how amazing people and places can be.

It is hard to choose the favorites among seemingly countless videos on the net, but one man has been taking that challenge year after year, compiling the best of the best videos of the year in one jaw dropping masterpiece.

That man is Luc Bergeron, also known as Zapatou and he’s been doing this for nine years. He spent 230 hours in the search, editing and compiling a period of five weeks. Bergeron closed his 367 best videos of this passing year, in a 10-minute video.

Maybe for someone this year passing was not the best, but there are good things that are worth a look!