Seven Amazing Buildings That Should’ve Existed Today

From time when humans were able to create big structures, these monuments of human architecture have become landmarks to the country they were build in.

But, even the most majestic structures are doomed to crumble. Over time, each of these majestic buildings may become neglected and left in ruins  or even be torn down to make room for new projects.

It is how it’s always been, making us appreciate the grandeur of past and modern architecture even more, because it may not be here in a few decades time.

Looking at these landmarks we never realize that there might have been more of them, that never saw their completion, or have been left and nearly forgotten.

Here are seven structures from around the world who’ve met such fate.

1. The Pyramids of Giza, Egypt


Initially, the pyramids were covered with decorative stone from mirror polished white limestone. This coating turned the pyramid into a dazzling marvel symbolizing the greatness of the pharaohs or, according to some scientists, serving as large solar panels. In any case, they can be seen from the mountains of Israel, or even from space. Unfortunately, cladding collapsed and was stolen after a powerful earthquake in 1301 BC. e. or as reported by other sources, it went to the restoration of buildings in Cairo, after the XII century when the town was destroyed by the Arabs, who did not want the town falling into the hands of the Crusaders.

2. Colosseum, Italy

The famous Colosseum was built in the I century BC. e., and more than 1000 years, this majestic work of the ancient world kept its original appearance. But in the middle of the XIV century, a powerful earthquake caused the collapse of Rome Coliseum, especially its southern part. After that, it began to look as a source of building material for new constructions. Despite all the hardships experienced by the Coliseum over the centuries, it is still striking in its grandeur.

3. Parthenon, Greece

Parthenon – the most famous monument of ancient architecture, ancient Greek temple of the goddess Athena located on the Acropolis of Athens, had a very difficult fate. He repeatedly became the victim of cruel tyrants, rearrangements, assaults, robberies, fires, attacks and transformations in the Christian church and even a mosque. Currently, it is, unfortunately, in a dilapidated state.

4. Sagrada Familia, Spain


Construction of the temple began in Barcelona in 1882. According to the calculations of the author, Antonio Gaudi, the construction should last about 3-4 centuries on technologies of the late XIX century. In addition, by decision of the initiators of the construction of the temple financing of operations carried out solely by donations of parishioners, that is the second reason for such a long process. But in view of modern construction methods to complete all work is planned in 2026 – just in time for the 100th anniversary of the death of the genius architect.

5. Palace of Soviets, Russia

Palace of Soviets is an unrealized construction project of the main building of the Soviet Union, which was supposed to become the ninth Moscow Stalin skyscrapers and the tallest building in the world – 415-meter skyscraper. A quarter of this hight would’ve come form colossal figure of Lenin (only one index leader finger with a 2-storey building). But the dream of the Soviet authorities and was only a dream. A reminder of the grand project is a metro station “Kropotkinskaya”, which was conceived as the underground part of the lobby of the Palace of Soviets.

6. India Tower

India Tower was a project for an ultra-high skyscraper, which was going to be built in Mumbai. According to the project it was assumed that the tower will be the second in the world by height, second only to the Burj Khalifa in Dubai (UAE), and in the development of the interiors of the building design will attend Giorgio Armani himself. But in 2011 the construction of the building was stopped.

7. Burj Al Alam, the United Arab Emirates

Burj Al Alam – Dubai was another super-high skyscraper with a planed height of 510 meters, which apparently was supposed to resemble a crystal flower. “Blooming” building was conceived as one of the tallest buildings in the world. Construction was supposed to end in 2009, but it was initially suspended due to the global financial crisis, and in 2013 was completely abolished.

8. NOT Tower, Poland

Skyscraper “Tower NOT» was planned as a regional headquarters of the Polish Engineering Association. Construction of the building began in 1975, but due to the economic problems after 6 years of construction stopped. Since that time the tallest building in Krakow remained a silent witness of a bygone era. Curiously, the shape of the building looked like a villain’s lair from popular at the time in Poland the cartoon “Hee-Man and the Masters of the Universe”, and the structure has been called “Shkeletor” in honor of the hero. Now consider the option of full reconstruction of the tower in a luxury residential complex.


Makes you wonder, how will our cityscape look in the future?

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