Mists of Pandaria: Pet Battle Preview

The upcoming expansion for World of Warcraft known as Mists of Pandaria promises to have something for all types of plays. Casual and hardcore PvEer’s are sure to enjoy the new dungeons and raids, as well as then new Scenarios and Challenge Mode dungeon features. PvPer’s of all abilities will get to battle across not one, but two new battle grounds. Also Blizzard is adding a new Arena map for those players who enjoy arenas. All of these changes look to be fun for their target player base, but their is a feature that will attract players from all parts of the game and of all skill calibers.   This feature is called Pet Battles.

The Pet Battle system is what Blizzard is calling World of Warcraft’s first mini game. In this system players are able to fight against other players using the companions that they have collected over the years. Long time players have been collecting these companions for years, even if not on purpose; however, until now, there has not been much use for them other then to follow the player around. This new feature will give something exciting, fun, and competitive to do with all of those pets that they have collected. However, probably the best part of this whole system is that there will be “wild pets” in certain zones of the world that players can capture and then use in battles. These pets vary from common pets that spawn in every zone, to unique and rare pets, such as the Restless Shadeling, which only spawns at night and in Deadwind Pass. The chance to use old pets as well as capture new pets will be an exciting treat for players in the upcoming expansion.

As I said earlier, this feature promises to be exciting, fun, and competitive. In order for it to do so, it must be balanced. This may not seem important, but any long time gamer will tell you, if a game is not balanced it is neither exciting nor fun and there is no chance of it ever being competitive. In order to help balance this system Blizzard announced that pets will be placed in “classes” with similar pets. These classes include Beast, Critter, Elemental, Flying, Humanoid, Mystical/Magical, Mechanical, Undead, and Water. As is expected, each class is effective and weak against certain classes. For example, Beast pets deal bonus damage to Critters, but not as much against Flying or Humanoids, yet Dragons deal more damage to Flying pets but less to Water and other Dragons. Adding this type of counter system into the game makes sure that there will not be a single “over-powered” pet, since there will always be something that counters it. This does not mean that there will not be combinations of pets that will be stronger then others, but this will add to the fun and competitiveness of the game.

Mists of Pandaria Promises to offer something to everyone who is playing World of Warcraft. One of the most exciting features being added is the Pet Battle systems. This long overdue system lets players do something fun with the companions that they have been collecting which is sure to be a huge hit. It is also apparent that Blizzard is taking there time on making sure this system is as polished and in-depth as possible, making sure it is enjoyable for all kinds of players.

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