Tips For Getting A Job In The Animation Industry


A career in the animation industry is an exciting one and one that can open doors and allow you a great life. Here are some tips for getting a job in the area.

1. Perfect Your Skills And Technique

If you want to succeed as an animator, you need to be exceptionally skilled. Animation is a highly competitive field. Your skills need to be better than those of all of your competitors. Getting good at animating is something that doesn’t happen overnight. Instead, you have to continually apply yourself, building new skills along the way. When creating our courses, we include plenty of time for aftercare online. This allows students who take our courses to put their newfound skills into action and to perfect their demo reels.

2. Create A Demo Reel That Gets Noticed

Your demo reel is the first introduction that most people have to your work. You need to make absolutely sure that the footage you include in your reel doesn’t contain any errors. Put your best, most compelling work at the beginning so that it is the first thing that people see. Avoid including any items that still need polishing.

3. Make It Easy For People To Access Your Work

Getting your work online is easier than ever. Instead of making employers wait for a demo reel to arrive, you can direct them to your website or blog. There are plenty of free blogging platforms out there that you can use to create a site of your own. When choosing a URL, be sure to include your name. This will improve the chances of your site coming up at the top of the Google search results.

4. Polish Your Resume

When you send out your reel, you should also include a brief resume that includes up-to-date information about your education, work history, and volunteer experience. You can then send it to one of these job roles from Amiqus.

5. Find Out Which Companies Are Hiring

There are a ton of different companies that deal with animation, visual effects, or game design throughout the world. Do some research and create a list of potential employers. Keep this list in a spreadsheet so that you can easily track your application status with each company. If you don’t have luck right away, keep trying. As long as you are diligent, you should eventually be able to find a job working for one of these companies.

6. Track Job Openings

Many animation websites have job boards where you can find current openings. These jobs typically don’t last long since they are highly competitive. Get your demo reel ready. Then, watch the job boards closely, applying as soon as you notice new openings. Keep an open mind. Being willing to relocate will open up a lot more opportunities.

7. Create A Customized Cover Letter

One of the quickest ways to get your application rejected is by using a form letter rather than a customized cover letter. Analyze each job opening that you are applying for. Figure out how your skills apply to the specific position that you are seeking. Include this information in your cover letter and let each individual employer know why you would be a great addition to their team.

8. Be Open To A Variety Of Possibilities

Getting started in the world of animation is all about getting your foot in the door. Don’t be too picky when it comes to the opportunities that you choose to take. Accepting an internship in the field will give you a lot of experience. It will also help you make industry contacts that you may be able to leverage at a later date. Jobs like being a runner may seem like they are beneath you. In fact, however, they are a great way to learn more about the ins and outs of the business and to get a leg up on your competitors.

9. Prepare For Your Interview

Recruiters respond best to people who are excited about the jobs that they are applying for. During your interview, demonstrate your knowledge of how the industry works by talking realistically about the career path that you are interested in. Your interviewer is far more likely to respect you if they feel like you understand the industry.

10. Put Your Connections To Work

In any creative field, the importance of networking can’t be overstated. Talk to everyone that you know in the industry to see if they are aware of any internships. Even though it may be a little bit uncomfortable to ask, the best jobs are usually found through your personal network rather than through traditional job boards.

11. Keep Your Ear To The Ground

Stay in contact with the people that you graduate with. The relationships that you have with other students can go a long way toward helping you find a job. For instance, someone that you know from school may be able to let you know about an opening at the company that they are working for before the position is advertised.

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