Theo’s Thoughts #21: Dailies

Daily quests have become a big part of World of Warcraft over the years. However, in Mists of Pandaria, it seems that they have become an even more important part, since players need to get reputation with certain factions in order to spend Valor Points. Unfortunately, the only way to earn reputation with these factions is through dailies. This makes it seem that these dallies are a requirement for everyone to do, at least from a PvE point of view, and have many people in the community upset. So, this week I wanted to discuss some of the issues with this.

The main reason why people are upset with these dailies is that they feel mandatory, in an expansion where Blizzard wants players to “play how they want to”. There are very few people who actually enjoy doing dailies, so making players do them definitely goes against their philosophy. However, are these quests actually mandatory? In a way, yes, but not as much as players seem to think they are. They seem to be mandatory because if players want to spend their Valor Points, they must have raised reputation with certain factions. Simply put, if you want Valor Point gear, you must do dailies. But, is the Valor Point gear mandatory? For a vast majority of players, I would say it is not, at least not right away. Unless you are pushing for world/server first kills, the couple of items you would be able to get from Valor Points will not make or break your raid team. A good majority of raiders can get by without ever using Valor Points, and just relying on drops from bosses. So, in this case, dailies are not mandatory, since their rewards are not mandatory for most players.

Which brings me to my next point, the rewards. Each vendor offers over five thousand valor points in rewards, if only talking about a players main spec. Players can also only earn one thousand valor points a week, this means that players have over five weeks worth of gear to earn while they are working on other factions. Another way to look at it is that, as long as a player is earning revered with a faction at least every five weeks, they are getting the maximum amount of Valor Point gear possible. This is a very easy goal to reach (It is not even a month into the expansion and I have already completed two factions, with skipping multiple days of dailies). This means that if anything, players should be more upset about the weekly cap on Valor Points, then the daily requirements.

However, I do not think this system is perfect. I do like making players work a little more for Valor Points, but some changes could be made. First of all, having another way to earn reputation, maybe not as fast, would be nice. I do not mean the tabard system that we have had in the past. With the tabard system all players needed to do was sit in a main city and run dungeons, which is something Blizzard does not want. I also would like to see other uses for Valor Points, such as purchasing trade goods. Nevertheless, I think players in the community are blowing this way out of proportion. These dailies are not really mandatory, since a vast majority of players can get by without the rewards that they offer. If players feel pressured to do these things in order to stay competitive, then by all means they should do them and be rewarded. But I do like the idea of a little extra work going into earning Valor Point gear.

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